Chapter 5

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      It was a long journey today. I still had the arrow head in my stomach, I had lost a lot of blood and I am growing weaker by the hour.

      Legolas was leading his army home when he turned around and spoke in a loud voice, "Most of us still have energy to move on, but are horses grow tired. We must make camp here and travel on in the morning."

      I dismounted from my horse with a stumble and walked him over towards the other horses.

      Some of the elves had grabbed some food and sat down in small circles. I joined in, sitting beside Legolas. The food they had given me was delicious, even though it was only Lembas bread, it was better than what i had been eating for the past many years.

      I finished eating, and then I looked over at Legolas and said, "I am going to go refill my canteen."

      "I will go with you," he replied.

      I tried to stand up, but the pain went through my chest. I could not breathe, and I started fall to the ground, but Legolas caught me. I was not sure what was happening, I was fine just a moment ago.

     Legolas called out to the others, "Someone bring the medical supplies." As he said that, he laid me on my back.

     I laid there gasping for air. Many elves had gathered around to see what was going on.

     "Everyone back up she need her space," yelled Legolas. The elves did as they were told, but those who were medically trained stayed behind to see if they could help.

      Legolas and another elf got to work straigh away, "She is poisoned; the arrow must have been dipped in poison," he said

     The elf exclaimed, "We can help the pain, but I am unable to heal her fully. Here, I have some herbs." As he said this he pulled a bunch of leaves from his pocket and placed them over my wound.

     Instantly I felt better and more hopeful that I might make it. Soon I could breathe properly again.

     "Thank you, um.. Sir...what is your name?" I asked the kind elf who helped me, once I could talk.

      "You’re welcome milady; I am Aradan, son of Aearion."

      "Then thank you Aradan, son of Aerion. I am glad you were here."

      "Any time," said Aradan. "If we were back at Mirkwood I would tell you to rest, but what I have given you is for the pain. Within two days the pain will come back and the wound will grow worse. Because of this we must get you back to Mirkwood as soon as possible."

      "How is she supposed to ride?" asked Legolas.

      "Someone go with her. I think it would be best if you go sire," advised Aradan.

     "What about my people," exclaimed Legolas.

     "One of us can take leadership. Legolas you know your father, if I were to walk into Mirkwood with her he will think she is a spy."

     "Fine I will go and I am going to leave you, Aradan, in charge. Can you handle that?" asked Legolas.

     "Of course," replied Aradan. "You must make haste now."

     At that moment, Legolas picked me up and placed me on top of their fastest horse. Then he jumped up behind me and we were off, riding like the wind towards Mirkwood. It would be a long four day journey.

     {Thank you to everyone who has voted for the chapters of my book. It really means a lot, and if there is any suggestions or comments please let me know. Every little bit helps. LOTR for the win <3} Kt_love

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