Chapter 20

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(Legolas's POV)

I woke up early the next morning; I packed my things and noticed that Gandalf had gone off to the stream to fill his canteen.

I decided walked over to Elemmire to wake her up, when I noticed that her long coat had been soaked with blood. At first, I thought it might have been blood from the yesterday's battle, but it was fresh. My first instinct was to wake her up. I picked up Elemmire and started to shake her, but she did not wake. Then I started yelling, "Elemmire, wake up Elemmire."

Gandalf must have over heard me, for he came running over. "What is going on?" he asked.

"Look!" I said pointing at her coat.

"Oh, my! She is hurt." Gandalf corrected himself, "She is badly hurt."

The two of us stood over top of her for a good twenty minutes, but she did not wake. I even checked her pulse, but it was too weak to feel. "She is gone," I said. "She is really gone."

"We still have hope," Gandalf said, trying to cheer me up, but I knew it was hopeless.

"I, I loved her and now she is gone," I said as tears started to roll down my face.

"You love her?" questioned Gandalf.

"I was going to ask Galadriel's permission to marry when we reached Lothlorien. I was even going to give her the ring of Nienne." I could not believe what happened. "She meant the world to me and now she is gone."

The two of us sat in silence. We wished not to believe what had happened. I looked back over to Elemmire one last time when I noticed her fingers twitch. "Elemmire, you're alive!" I exclaimed.

She opened her eyes and replied, "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" she questioned.

"Why wouldn't you be!" I said now very angry at Elemmire for not telling me of her wound. "You are bleeding to death." I pointed down at the stain on her long coat.

"Oh, it is not that bad. I decided that it was small enough that I could make it to Lothlorien before I treated it," Elemmire explained. I was not sure if she was telling the truth, but at the moment I had no other choice.

"If you say that you are fine, then can you stand?" Gandalf asked Elemmire as if he was trying to prove something.

I took Elemmire's hand and helped her to her feet. She stood up straight, but when she took another step she cried in pain.

I was angry with myself for not realizing her wound sooner. "If you can't even take one step, how do you suppose you are to make it to Lothlorien?" I asked. Elemmire just bowed her head in shame.

Gandalf and I rested Elemmire back on the ground. We had to get her to someone with medical experience, but there was no one near here were could carry her to.

"I will run," I said. "I will run to Lothlorien and get help. That is our only option." I looked at their responses, Gandalf agreed and Elemmire was going to argue, but she knew that she could not win.

"Then make haste," said Gandalf. "She may not have long."

Without a hesitation I ran towards Lothlorien. I did not stop for even a second, not even for a drink of water.

I reached Lothlorien in two hours. I ran straight into the forest and without thinking twenty elves surround me all with bows pointing at my head.

"What is your means for traveling into Lothlorien?" asked an elf stepping out from behind a tree. The elf had long blond hair and looked like he was in charge of the guards.

"One of my fellow travellers is badly injured and needs help," I puffed.

"Why should we help?" he asked. When the elf talked he looked familiar, but I could not remember his name.

"The traveler is Lady Elemmire, Galadriel's daughter." I was not sure if it was a good idea to tell him her real name, but I had no other choice.

"Galadriel's daughter!" he said very surprised. "Amras, Miriel come with me, we must help her." The two guards he called for came running up. "Sir, I don't think I know your name?" he asked me. "I am Haldir son of Hamlir."

"I am Prince Legolas son of Thranduil, but let us finish our greetings later," I said. "I fear Elemmire does not have long."

"Prince Legolas, I must apologize, for I did not realize it was you," Haldir and many other elves bowed their heads, but I beaconed to go.

"We should be off!" I said.

"Of course," replied Haldir. "Lead the way." He gestured in the direction of which I came.

Haldir, Amras, Miriel, and I ran towards the place where I had left Elemmire and Gandalf. It took us another good two hours to reach them. I was worried; her skin was very cold and very pale. Those were two good signs that she does not have long.

When we finally reached Elemmire she was resting up against a rock and Gandalf was fidgeting worriedly in his seat.

"Legolas your back!" said Gandalf very relieved.

I took a deep breath trying to catch my breath and said, "Yes, and I have brought..."

"Sir Haldir," said Elemmire in a weak voice. "It has been long since I have seen you. The last time was when we were just children." I was surprised that Elemmire new Haldir.

"Elinya!" replied Haldir. "I thought Legolas said that Lady Elemmire was hurt." Haldir was confused, yet surprised to see who he thought was Elinya.

"Elemmire is my real name," explained Elemmire with a groan. "But it is a long story and I'm sure we can explain it later."

Haldir was still unsure, but he called over Amras with the medical supplies. They got to work, while Gandalf and I stood back giving them some room.

They worked on her for hours and I was starting to get nervous. Gandalf looked over to me and said, "Don't worry, I know Haldir personally and I trust him."

I was able to update :) :) decided that I would rather write than study :P

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