Chapter 8

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      I got up the next morning and I had no idea what to do. I still got ready and headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast.

      When I reached the Great Hall, I noticed that Galadriel and Legolas were already sitting at the large table. "Good morning," I said as I sat down beside Legolas.

      "I am not sure if it is a good morning," commented Galadriel.

      "What do you mean?" I asked curiously.

      "Thranduil had some business to attend to and he seemed very worried when he left," replied Legolas.

      "Do you have any idea where he was going or what he was doing?" I had no idea what he might need to do, but then again I have been stuck in a dungeon for the past forty years.

      "We were just talking about the options now. We think it might have something to do with you," explained Galadriel. She seemed concerned and nothing like how she acted last night.

      I did not know what to say and I wondered if I shouldn’t have left Moria.   If I had not left then there still would be peace in the land or would there be?  In any case, I was out of the Moria now and I never wanted to go back.

     "Well, whatever it is, let's hope for the best." I said

     "Agreed," replied Legolas, but Galadriel just looked down and said nothing.

     I grabbed a small slice of bread and then decided that I wanted to spend the day at the barn. As I walked down the hall, I had past many elves who welcomed me to Mirkwood. I thought of how lucky I was and that Legolas was super sweet for saving my life.

      I reached the barn and saw the beautiful chestnut mare standing in her stall. I wondered if I would ever be able to ride her one day. She was sure a beauty. I walked around the stable and was surprised not to find any ranch hands. Since I was alone, I decided to walk out and find something else to do.

      All of a sudden I saw Legolas walk around the corner, "I thought I would find you here." He smiled and said, "Your mother said that when you were younger you would not leave the stables."

      "I remember that, there was a couple times when I even slept with my horse in his stall." I told him. I wondered what ever happened to my old horse, Tinnuroch. He was probably dead now because horses don't live very long.

      Legolas seemed to have read my mind, "I am sorry to say, but Galadriel told me last night that Tinnuroch died about twenty years ago."

     "That is what I thought," I replied sadly.

     "But, there is some good news," said Legolas.  "Galadriel did however buy you another horse, Rosroch and she needs some exercise. Rosroch is the chestnut mare, at the end of the stable." Legolas added as he pointed to the end of the barn.

      I was in shock; the beautiful mare that I fell in love with is actually mine! "Really," I say "If she needs exercise, then will you join me on a trail ride? For I am scared that I might get lost." I pretended not to know a lot about the area, but all I wanted was some company.

     "Whatever you wish, Elemmire," he said with a smile on his face. "Well then go get your horse tacked, everything you will need is inside this room." As he said that he pointed to a door on my right.

     "I prefer to ride without a saddle unless necessary. From what I remember as a child, I enjoy riding my horse bareback."

     "If that is so, then grab your horse and we can head off right now. I will join you and go bareback on my horse, Arod." He seemed to like the idea. I was excited; I got to go on a trail ride with Legolas and my new horse.

     We quickly grabbed our horses, and we were off. Racing through the trees at a full gallop.  Rosroch felt like she had the smoothest gait in all of Middle Earth. Legolas and his horse had a hard time keeping up, for his horse was older and did not have a long stride length like mine.

     After riding at a full gallop for a while we decided that the horses could use a break. I brought my horse back to a walk and Legolas followed. "Good job trying to keep up me," I said jokingly

     "What are you talking about?" he told me. "I was just taking it easy." Our eyes locked for a few moments and then we broke into laughter.

     We walked our horses home. We took our time because we were both having too much fun. He told me many stories of when he was a child and when he used to sneak out in the middle of the night to ride the horses, but in the end Thranduil would always catch him.

     When we reached the barn we gave our horses a long brush and set them out into a large paddock. I was happy to have my new horse. She was perfect and she helped me forget all about my past.

Hope you liked the Chapter :) 


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