Chapter 16

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     I sat in the Dining Hall and did not move until Legolas walked in later that evening.

     Legolas walked over to me and knelt beside my chair. "You should cheer up, we are safe now," he said trying to reassure me.

     I looked deep into his eyes, "Do you really think I am safe? There is a good chance the Orcs can kill me without getting close to me!" I was upset, after everything that had happened. I just wished it was over.

     "All we have to do is stop them before they reach Mordor," he said as he put his hand on mine. I felt the warmth of his touch.

     "How do you expect us to catch them? At the moment we have no trail to follow. We don't even know for sure what route they are taking." I paused for a second, wondering if I had to plead my case anymore.

     Legolas stood up. "Yes, but you have me," he smiled. "I am not sure what I am good for yet, but you have me till the end."

     I stood up and wrapped my arms around him. "You know just how to make a girl smile," I said now feeling a little better that he thought we could do it.

     "Now, there is someone that misses you very much and would love some attention," he said.

     "Who is it?" I asked.

     "Roshroch," he replied.

     "I was so selfish thinking about myself, I forgot all about her." I felt bad; I left her with a stranger to look after her needs yesterday.

     "I can see where you are coming from, but you have been through a lot over the past couple of months," he said guiding me over to the door.

     "Yea, I guess," still not convinced that leaving Roshroch was the best idea.

     We walked together in silence to the stable. I did not remember how to get there because last night I was too tired to pay attention. I did notice that everything about Rivendell had a calming feeling and made me feel safe.

     The stable was not far and we reached it quickly. I could hear Roshroch neighing from outside of the stable. I ran inside leaving Legolas behind and found her in her own stall in the back. Roshroch settled the second she saw me. I walked up to Roshroch and placed my hand on her forehead. As I looked down her back I was pleased to see that she had been brushed nicely and had been fed well.

     "How are you doing girl?" I ask. She bobbed her head up and down almost to say that she was happy to see me too.

     "Your bond with that horse is amazing. You both must trust each other with all your hearts," stated Legolas. I jumped a little at the sound of his voice; I forgot he was right behind me.

      "Yea, I love her," I said. Roshroch seemed to be fine and it was getting late. "I am satisfied to see her happy. Would you like to head back to our rooms?" I asked.

     "I agree with you, we should get all of the rest we can before we head out on our journey," said Legolas.

      I said one last good bye to Roshroch and then we walked back to our rooms. We walked through a corridor and heard Gandalf having a conversation with someone just around the corner.

     Legolas gestured for me to stop and let them have their conversation without being interrupted. I could not help but listen to what they were saying.

     "What do you mean this plan is not a good one?" I could hear Gandalf asking. I took a guess and thought that this conversation was about me.

     "Well," said Elrond. "What chance do you think they have of catching up to the Orcs? If they are lucky enough to catch them, do you really think Elemmire can fight off her half of the Orcs? She has been in a dungeon for the past forty years."

     I could feel tears running down my cheek. Does Lord Elrond really think that I won't make it? I could not take it.

     I ran around the corner confronting Elrond and Gandalf. "Why did you not tell me this to my face Lord Elrond? If you don't think that plan would work then why don't we try and think of another." I said very angrily. "Oh, wait, but if you don't think I can handle that either why don't you just kill me now!" With that I ran past them and up to my room.

     I did not even stop running, even when I heard Gandalf and Legolas calling out for me.

     When I reached my room I slammed the door behind me and collapsed on my bed. "After everything will I really not make it?" I asked myself under my breath.

So what do you think?!?! Will Elemmire be able to destroy the Orcs and be able to have a normal life soon, or will she live on the edge of disaster!!!!!! Let me know what you think.

Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you enjoy it anyways. And thank you to EVERYONE who has voted, commented or even read my book :) it means the world to me.

I have a new goal.... lets see if we can get enough votes to put this book on the top of the search list!!!!! SOOOOO PLEASE VOTE :) :) 

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