Chapter 19

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     I had no idea what just happened. One second there were hundreds of Goblins surrounding us, now there were none to be seen. I looked around and saw Legolas lying face down on the ground.

     "Legolas!" I yell. He was not waking up, and then I shook him. Nothing happened. I wondered if I was dreaming, but somehow I knew this was real. I stood up, not certain of what to do next, when I noticed Gandalf standing where the Goblin King was moments ago. "Gandalf! You came back, but what is going on?" I ask. "Where are the...?" But he interrupted me.

      "Time for questions later, we must get out of here," he told me sternly. "How is Legolas? Can he stand?"

      "He has passed out, so I am guessing no, he can't stand!" My voice quivered as I was furious, I didn't understand what was going on.

     "Can you carry him?" asked Gandalf.

     "Maybe," I reply picking Legolas up and tossing him onto my shoulder. Legolas was heavy, but I could manage.

     Gandalf led the way as we ran through the passages within the mountain. "Do you know where we are going?" I ask, but he did not answer. He was my only hope.

       I am surprised not to see any Goblins. I was curious to ask Gandalf later what happened to them.

     We reached a narrow stone bridge leading to the exit. I could not believe my eyes; we were going to make it home free. Gandalf crossed the bridge first, with me following right behind him.

     Both Gandalf and I were surprised when we saw the first arrow wiz past my head. We would have to be careful, even though I could not see who was shooting I knew they were out there.

     After making halfway across the bridge without a scratch, an arrow came straight for Gandalf. I pushed him out of the way making him fall down.

     "Elemmire your hit," said Gandalf standing up. I was confused. I felt no arrows hit me. Then I look down at the side of my chest. He was right. I was pierced by an arrow.

     I felt no pain and my only objective was to get us to safety. "We must move," I told him yanking the arrow from out of my chest. Then I ran for the exit and pushed open the doors to see the early morning sunlight. The Goblins could not follow us out, we were safe.

     I placed Legolas down on the ground at the bottom of the mountain. I was not sure what to do, even if he would wake up. "Legolas!" I yelled as a tear rolled down my cheek.

    It must have been five minutes when Legolas rolled over. "Your awake?" I said. I was glad to see that he was still alive. "Can you stand?" I ask as I slowly helped him to his feet.

     "I am fine," replied Legolas. "We should get moving before it gets dark. When we are safe, I would like to know what happened." I nodded my head and gave him a hug before we headed in the direction of Lothlorien.

     The rest of the day had gone by slowly. After an hour of walking I started to feel pain in my chest and then the pain travelled down my leg. I tried to cover it up, I did not want us to stop because of a small arrow.

      It was dark now and we had been walking for the entire day. "We should stop here. It is as good of a place as any," said Gandalf leading the way. "We can fill up our canteens in the small stream just south of here."

      "If I am correct, midday tomorrow we should reach Lothlorien," stated Legolas. I felt relieved to hear that soon we would be safe.

     First, all three of us washed up and filled up on our water. We had lost all of our food and supplies in the Goblin cave. No one was hungry though and we would get lots of food once we reach Lothlorien.

      I filled my canteen and then when no one was looking I opened my long coat to find that my wound was deeper than I thought.

     I washed the wound, but I winced at every touch. I noticed that I was losing a lot of blood. I decided to rip a piece of my shirt off and wrap it around my chest, hoping it would help.

     Legolas called over to me. "Elemmire, I am going to start building camp. Take your time and come when you are done."

     "I will," I replied.

      I checked the rest of my body to see if I had any other wounds. I only found some minor scratches and a gash down my leg, but they were not serious.

     When I was done, I walked over to our camp. Legolas and Gandalf had already started the fire. They were both sitting around the fire. I studied each of them carefully to see how bad they were hurt. Gandalf only had some minor scratches, but he seemed very weak and in need of rest. On the other hand, Legolas had two large gashes, one on his leg that looked to have been treated and the other on his forehead, running down to his cheek.

     I walked over to Legolas with a wet cloth in my hand. "Look at me," I said lifting his chin with my middle and index fingers. "You are hurt, let me help." I sat down beside him and lightly dabbed the cloth over his wound.

     "Thanks," he said. Then he moved and I accidentally dabbed a bit too hard. "Ouch," whispered Legolas.

     "I'm sorry," I said "But you have to stay still."

     Then Legolas lifted his hand to hold my arm. "You are cold," he said. "Are you sick?"

     "No, I'm fine," I replied, I knew I had to make up a good reason. "My hand was just in the cold water." Legolas seemed to believe me and relaxed so I could help clean his wound.

     Once I was done I found a comfy spot on the ground and fell asleep quickly.

Did you think that Gandalf would save the day?

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FYI: I have tons of finals and tests coming up in the next two weeks, so I am not promising regular updates :( but I promise I will try my absolute best :)

Hope you enjoyed it :)

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