Chapter 3

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      I guess I had fallen asleep, for when I woke up I heard the clashing and banging of swords. It took me a few minutes to clue in, but I realized that more elves had come to save the elf in the cell across from me.

     I had not eaten in a couple of days and because of this, I was too weak to stay awake. I decided that it would not matter if I fall asleep, because no one would come for me. I have been away from the world outside too long that no one would have remembered me.

     Just before I fell asleep, I heard noises of elves running down the stairs. As I listened, I was remembering what happened when I was first caught by the Orcs. If there was only someone then to save me.        

     Maybe I could have had a better childhood?

     When I woke up, the elf that had been captured was kneeling beside me. I could still hear the clashing of swords. I did not know what was happening, without thinking I quickly crawled away from him. Calmly the elf stood up and slowly walked over to me. In Elvish he said, "You are safe now, I am here to save you."

     I am not sure what to think of this so I blurted out, "Who are you?"

     He chuckled to himself, "I guess I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Prince Legolas Greenleaf, son of Thranduil Greenleaf. Though I am surprised you don't know who I am."

     "King Thranduil of Mirkwood?" I ask.

     "Yes," he replied. "What is yours?"

     "Ummmh..." I did not know what to say; because I did not know him. I spoke slowly, "My name is Elinya.” My parents had given me that nick name many years ago.

     "Nice to meet you Elinya, but we must get out of here. Can you stand?"

     I tried to push myself up, but I could not. All I knew was that there was no way I would make it out of here. "I cannot stand," I told him. "You must go without me."

     "There is no way I am leaving you, not after you spared my life by not telling the Orcs who I am." He pauses for a second, "I must carry you."

     I did not like this, but he gave me no choice, because within seconds he quickly picked me up off the ground. We were off, he was fast and even with my weight we made it to the main floor quickly.

     When we reached the top I had realized that the Orcs had retreated. And Legolas caught up with some of the other elves. "What is the story he asked them," curiously.

     "The Orcs have retreated to the throne room. We must get out of here quickly, because they gain in mumbers by the minute," said an elf who looked like he was in charge of this 'rescure mission.'

      The commander looked down at me still in Legolas' arms and asked, "Who is this you have here. I don't ever remembering there being another prisoner we had to save?"

      "I do not know much about her, but she saved my life and I owe her," explained Legolas.

      "I understand, but we must make haste," The commander replied.

      "I agree," said Legolas, as he ran off towards the east exit.

     We had been running for some time when I looked up into his face. I am extremely lucky to have had this happen, I thought to myself. I just had enough energy to mumble, "Thank you." When Legolas heard my mumble he looked down at me and smiled.

     Some time had passed before I felt like I had enough energy to run. "Legolas, I think that I can run on my own now. Do you mind putting me down?"

      He seemed surprised when I said this, but he agreed. "Of course," he replied as he put me down.

      I stumbled once, but I regained my balance quickly and we were on our way again.

      We had caught up with some of the other elves. They told us that the path was clear and that we were almost out. I was glad to hear this because I starting to get tired.

     I looked far off into the distance and I could see daylight. I could not believe that I was almost free. I would only be about a ten minute run, if I sprint.

     Then all of a sudden, I stopped and would not move, my mind could not tell my legs to keep running. Legolas turned around and looked back at me. "What are you doing, we are almost there!"

     Then I realized why I stopped, I could feel a disturbance, Orcs I thought.  "Legolas," I yelled. "Orcs are near; we don't have enough time to make it out."

     "What do you mean? The Commander told us that we were safe." Legolas was confused and did not understand what I was trying to tell him.

      I realized he would not believe me; I had lived around Orcs so long that I could feel their presence. There was only one thing I could do, "Legolas hand me one of your swords. I will feel safer knowing that I have one."

      He still had a confused look, "You know how to wield a sword?" He asked.

      "Of course, my mother believed women should know how to take of themselves," I replied.

      He seemed hesitant to hand me one, but in the end he did. "Here you go," he said.

      Not even two seconds later about a hundred Orcs came running out of a secret passage. They stop right in front of the exit. I ran up to Legolas to fight beside him.

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