Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: Since all of you like this story, I planned to be fair to all of you, here's a chapter, I warn you, the next will cause feels at the end.

Lewis' POV

I can't believe it, I let all of them die. I could hear the screams from upstairs and crazed laughter. I sat there hugging my knees for a long time and tears rolled down my face. Suddenly I heard footsteps and a shout, I don't recognize the voice, "Hello? Anyone alive?"

I stood up, "I'm down here! Please help me!"

I hear the voice shouting in the distance, "Hey Tom! Got a live one here!" I hear more footsteps then someone climbs down the ladder with other people. A thin man with a black goatee and a black t-shirt that had a triangle and the number 11 on it was flanked by a man who had orang hair and a goatee and was wearing the same shirt and he other man. He had a guitar strapped to his back.

"This is Tom," said the man with the black hair, "and my name is Alex."

 A/N: The most shortest chapter of my life

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