Chapter Four

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Zoey walked into study hall that was first period that day. She sat next to Rythian who was writing something in his notebook. He didn't say anything when she sat down. Zoey felt tapping on her shoulder and saw a your blonde-haired in a brown dress with white flower patterns behind her. She was sitting next to Sjin. Her green eyes sparkled when she smiled.

She leaned forward "Hi!" she said softly, "I'm Minty, Sjin's girlfriend. You're Zoey right?"

"Yea I am, nice to meet you," Zoey replied and she turned back.

Soon, after science, the bell for break went off and everyone rushed out of class. Rythian said to meet her at the cafeteria. Zoey walked down the nearly empty corridor and saw a boy in a green dinosaur hoodie, clutching a whiteboard and marker, he kept his head down. She walked towards him.

"Hello?" Zoey asked. He looked up but didn't say anything, instead he wrote on the whiteboard.

'Hi, my name is Teep at your service' and he erased it and wrote something else, 'I'm mute, sorry I cannot talk to you'

"It's ok, my name is Zoey,"

'Can I follow you to the cafeteria?'

"Sure, come on," Teep picked himself up and Zoey started walking. Rythian was speaking to a boy with raven hair and a boy with ginger hair next to him. They were arguing about something that involved a lot of finger pointing and waving arms in the air.

Zoey walked over and quickly said, "Well aren't we great friends? Is it ok if I borrow Rythian for a while? Thanks." and quickly pulled Rythian away. 

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"Fine," he muttered.

She left him standing there and walked over to the other two boys. "Hi, my name is Zoey, did Rythian bother you with anything?"

The raven haired boy just stood there then said, "Nothing you should be worried about, just a few homework projects. My name is Xephos and this is Honeydew," He said while gesturing to the boy in ginger hair. "Hannah, told me about you."

"Oh ok,"

"Now I must go before all the brownies run out," and they walked away. Rythian came over and raised an eyebrow. Zoey introduced him to Teep and soon the bell rang for class.

Author's Note

I know crappy ending but next chapter is when everything begins. *Smiles evilly*

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