Chapter Eleven

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A/N I don't know if you guys want me to write this anymore. If you don't the never mind, feeling won't be hurt, I'll just finish this quickly by killing everyone if you guys don't like this anymore. I'm feeling very angry today. Good luck people and children of Tekkitopia.. your fate is in their hands. >:) Leave me a comment or a vote if you want me to NOT kill anyone or continue, it's your choice, you all have 24 hours.

Lewis' POV

I sat alone in the dark once Hannah had left looking at the floor. Am I going insane? I raise my hand up and there was no trembling at all. Not a single tremble. I had almost killed someone but I...I actually...

Liked it...

What is wrong with me? Seeing Hannah cry like that, Lomadia's look of scorn. I couldn't think! So many voices!

"Hello," said a voice that sounded calming but almost insane. I looked up to find Livid leaning on the bars with his arms crossed and with a crazy smirk on his face. "You didn't kill him and you got in trouble, was it so hard to just stab him by the throat and run away? No, it wasn't."

"How the hell did you get in here?" I shouted but not enough for anyone to hear, my mouth was dry. He rolled a ring in his hand, a pure black ring with a black gem on it.

"This I a Void Ring, it enables teleportation, anyway back to the topic, you didn't kill Xephos and you know the consequences for it!" he said, his smirk gone and replaced by a look of disgust mixed with an evil look. " My point is, I can teleport out here right now with my dainty little dagger and mining laser that I have and say hello to all your friends, including your girlfriend and the others. I have the power to do it. In fact I could do it right now," I clenched my fists so hard that my fingernails dug little crescents into my skin. I tried to threaten, I tried to shout but nothing could come out of my mouth, I had lost my voice.

"There is a choice though," he said, his face and voice calm as he pulled out a dagger that had a diamond blade to examining it. "I am running out of test subjects and Lalna is way too important so I want you do be that or, watch your friends die in front of you, one by one. Maybe I will torture your girlfriend, it would be interesting to hear her screams. I leave you for now, you have 24 hours to choose, don't worry, I won't kill you, I'll even send you back, I hope you choose wisely!" He said his voice rising in a insane manner, and he laughed crazily, "This is interesting! See you in 24 hours!" and he disappeared leaving me with a shocked look on his face.

A/N (continued)

So you have it, 24 HOURS or all of Tekkitopia will die by Livid, one by ONE. Horrible tortures awaits if you choose wrongly! HAHA. THERE ARE NO SUCH THINGS AS A HAPPY ENDING! THEIR FATE IS IN YOUR HANDS! YOU CHOOSE! Good LUCK!    

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