Chapter Six

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Sjin's POV

"Ow, what the hell?" I opened my eyes and groaned. My head felt weird and I sat up to stare straight at my face. "Fuck!" and I backed up against the cold stone floor.

The other me had a brown moustache and a beard and wore a spacesuit lined with orange. He rolled his eyes, "Good god even I don't swear that much."

"Where the hell am I?" I shouted.

Fake Sjin studied me like he was looking at his own reflection. He looked at the man behind him.

"Sips, it worked, we will meet with Lalna later."

The man looked back at fake Sjin. He looked a lot like Sips, with the grey skin and glossy black hair but he had a shaved beard and wore a space suit just like fake Sjin except it was lined blue.

"Ah shit, where the hell am I?" I looked behind me and saw Sips in his white jacket that was lined blue and usual clothes. He looked at fake Sjin, confused. "Sjin, since when did you have a brother who wears a space suit?"

"Sorry let me introduce myself. I am Sjin, co worker of Sips, the CEO of Sips Co. dirt," fake Sjin said.

"Wait you'" I asked as Sips got up to examine himself.

"Of course! You guys are from another dimension and with the help of our dimension Lalna, we will end the war with Rythian."

"Never liked that guy anyway," Sips muttered.

"Sjin! What are you still mucking around for? Go an alert Lalna!" Fake Sips shouted.

"Y-yes boss!" And fake Sjin scampered off. 

F. Sips turned to us, "Come, you'll love to meet Lalna."


"Oh GOD!" Hannah screamed as she landed into water. 

"Hannah?" Nilesy said sputtering water. She knew he couldn't swim which was quite ironic since his dad was a pool shop owner. She followed the sound of his voice and saw him struggling to stay afloat and his glasses threatened to fall off his face. She groaned and swam towards him then pulling him to shore.

"Where are we?" Hannah said as she gazed at the owls looking at them from the jungle trees.

"Stay where you are," Said a voice behind them. It sounded like Hannah's. Both of them froze. "Turn around slowly, don't try to take out any weapons or my owls will attack you and trust me, you don't want to experience that."

Hannah and Nilesy turned around and saw themselves. It was like looking into a mirror except they were much older. The older Hannah wore a yellow t-shirt with an owl on it and worn jeans. She had a rifle in her hands pointed at them. The older Nilesy held a bucket of water in one hand and a diamond sword in the other. He had a green shirt and tie and brown trousers and loafers with white socks. 

The older Hannah dropped the rifle and paled, "It cannot be."  


Sorry it's so short I will write more next time when I do have the time. And @saphira23, I DARE

-Val :)   

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