Chapter One

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I don't know whether I want to write the story 'Tekkit didn't plan to have school'

Zoey walked into the school grounds clutching the book that she had in her hands and holding them against her chest. All the kids around her looked normal, except her. No one had red hair, 'It'll be fine!' Mother said, 'Plenty of kids have strange hair!' well she was wrong, everyone had either blonde, black or brown hair. She walked into the big building and saw everyone looking at her, one girl stared at her like she was a piece of gum under her shoe. Zoey kept her head down until she reached a corridor that was not so crowded and didn't look where she was going and bumped into a boy her age. She fell to the ground scattering her books on the floor.

Zoey looked up and quickly said, "I'm sorry, I didn't look where I was going!"

"It's fine." The boy started to pick up her books. He wore a black t-shirt with worn jeans and brown sneakers. His eyes glowed purple and his hair was strange, it was brown with a lighter brown streak across. He had a scar on his lip that he tried to hide with a purple scarf, she swore that she could see some darkness creeping onto his neck.

Zoey picked herself up and took her books. "Thanks," she said, "I'm new here. My name is Zoeya Proasheck but you can call me Zoey."

"Oh you're Zoey? I was looking for you, I was going to give you a tour, My name is Rythian Hellstrand."


"Follow me."

She followed him and he showed her the classrooms, the gym, the pool and the library. The first class bell rang and they walked to class. He was in her every class except science and music.

   The first class ended and Rythian walked out the door with her trailing after him. She tripped over herself at the door and someone caught her. She looked up. It was a blonde boy with green eyes and had a cute half smile. He wore a white shirt with brown trousers and red sneakers and goggles circled around his head. He brushed his bangs out of his eyes and smiled. She stood up and mumbled a thank you but he simply nodded and walked away.

'This is going to be interesting.' Zoey thought.  

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