Chapter Eight

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Lewis' POV

One moment I was standing next to my girlfriend holding her hand and the next the scene changed around me making me feel dizzy. I fell to my knees and immediately threw up on the spot.

"MY FLOOR!" A voice shouted in rage, it sounded like Lalna except it was much deeper. A hand went to my shoulder and I saw Lalna in front of me.

"Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded and looked behind him. An older version of Lalna stood there crossing his arms. He wore a lab coat and goggles circled around his blonde hair. His piercing green eyes stared into me and a shaved goatee covered his small chin.

"Lalna, get out, I need to speak to Lewis," Lalna looked at me then squeezed my shoulder. He exited the room leaving me alone with the man. "My name is Livid, it used to be Lalna but he is gone now. You might be wondering why I brought you here. I have a job for you to do and I need you to do it without question or Lalna and your girlfriend dies."

I swallowed but didn't say anything.

"I need you to kill Xephos."


Hannah's POV

I sat at the Jaffa garden watching the sunset and remembering the time I had at the beach with Lewis, where I finally got him to kiss me. Nilesy comforted me and Simon and Honeydew sat across us stuffing their faces with Jaffa cakes while I sipped tea. It was hot but nice. Lomadia told me that Rythian the mage will be coming and our dimension Rythian with both Zoeys. Wow that sounded weird. Soon, I saw four people coming. Zoey flew next to O.Rythian's and O.Zoey flew next to Rythian.

(Just so you guys know, O. means Older because otherwise it would be confusing)

O.Rythian had a mask around his face and Rythian had his usual scarf covering his face. The Zoeys didn't look any different. I felt angry at Zoey, only when she arrived all this started to happen, it was her fault that Lewis was gone. As soon as she landed I tackled her.

She looked at me with startled blue eyes. O.Rythian pulled me off her and I shouted, "You're the reason why we are in this mess! All this started when you came!" Zoey backed up and looked at me hurt.

Nilesy whispered something into O.Rythian's ear, "She had just lost her boyfriend, she's in pain," He nodded. I calmed down a little then he let me go.

"Where is Lomadia, I am helping her find Lewis, I am pretty su-" But he was cut short when I heard a crash and the voice boomed again, "Teleporting Lewis to Hannah!" Lewis was tangled in a tree that I stood next to.

O.Rythian took him down and he walked to me like nothing happened. When he reached me I didn't hesitate and I kissed him and he did back. I broke the kiss then held his wrist and flipped him over my shoulder. I turned to him then put my knee onto his chest and shoved my forearm onto his throat. A lump of anger grew inside of me, "You EVER leave me again, I swear to Notch," But then I stopped and the lump melted and tears formed into my eyes.

He put his hands up in surrender," I'm sorry, shouldn't have done that," I released then I let him sit up and I hugged him tightly. At that moment, Lomadia and Xephos walked from the factory and saw us.

"I guess we don't have to search for Lewis anymore," Lomadia said as she watched the sun slip out of the sky. "Better get some sleep, we'll figure this out in the morning. The dorms were too small so they made bunk beds for all of us. Honeydew and Simon slept in the same bunk, Me and Lewis, Xephos and Lomadia, Rythian and Zoey and Nilesy slept on a single bed. O.Rythian and O.Zoey went back to their castle that they had mentioned. Lewis let me have the top bunk. I couldn't sleep, I stared at the ceiling, what was this feeling? Homesickness, that's it. I've been to multiple camping and overseas trips and never had homesickness once.

I heard Lewis get up from under me. I guess he couldn't sleep either. I looked at saw Lewis stand with an iron dagger in his hand. The blade glimmered in the moonlight. What was he doing?

"Lewis?" I whispered.

He spun hiding the blade behind his back. "Oh, hey. Didn't realize that you were awake."

"Yea, I can't sleep at all. What are you doing?"

He hesitated, "Just going for a walk."

"May I?"

He nodded slowly and I climbed down the ladder. I heard him throw something under the covers while my back was turned. Together we walked outside the dorms barefooted. The prickly grass that was wet with dew got crushed under our feet. The cooling mist veiled the building and everything was quiet. We walked to the Jaffa Garden and sat on the benches. I tucked my feet under me and cuddled into Lewis' chest. He put his arm around me shielding me from the cold breeze that came from time to time. The mist around us made me very drowsy and soon I slipped off to sleep.

A/N: I am writing this on an iPad so I'm sorry if there are any obvious mistakes. I was feeling very fluffy today so some nice feelings here. I'm in my room sipping hot chocolate right now. I am wayyyy to lazy to get my laptop, so yea. There will be action soon. If you want anyone to die pls send me a private message or if you want Xephos to die terribly, just let me know. Pls vote and comment and remember, eat lots of cake.

-Val ;)

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