Chapter Two

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Zoey awoke to the sound her clock ticking on the wall. She got out of bed and changed for school. Soon, she was walking down the path to school and heard someone call her name. She stopped and turned around to see Rythian running up to her, he was wearing a dark purple jacket unzipped over a black shirt and faded jeans with his scarf covering up the lower part of his face. Together, they walked to school.

(Time Lapse)

After math it was finally time for lunch and Rythian and her walked to the cafeteria. A group of girls giggled and whispered as they walked past but she ignored them. They picked up their lunch and walked to an empty table. The boy with green eyes who she saw yesterday stopped talking a blonde-haired girl whom was wearing and owl t-shirt and picked up his lunch and walked towards her table. 

He slid down next to her and stuck out his hand, "Hi you must be the new girl right? I'm Duncan Jones but you can call me Lalna."

"Awesome," Zoey replied, shaking his hand, "I'm Zoey Proasheck."

"I see you met Rythian already?"

She looked over at Rythian who stopped eating and was looking at them the whole time, she saw a glint of anger in his eyes as he looked at Lalna. 

"Yea he's my um guide."

"Oh cool, I'll see you around um bye."

"Bye." and he picked up his lunch and walked away. Zoey looked back at Rythian to find him glaring at Lalna. "Rythian?" She said as she waved a hand in front of his face. His stare broke immediately.

"Yea, yea I'm fine, sorry."

"Na it's ok," and they resumed eating as they talked about themselves.

"Sorry I'm asking but why do you wear a scarf to hide part of your face?" She asked.

Rythian gave a sigh before speaking," I-I need to because I'm not normal."

She frowned but let him continue.

"When I was a kid I was a perfectly normal one, plain brown hair and all but all that changed when a fire started when I was three, at least that is what they told me and it burned the lower part of my face and killed my mom and as for the brown streak I do not know where that came from."

"Hey dude it's ok, I have completely red hair and a yellow highlight across, I'm just like you, I lost my dad when I was four, just be yourself."


"No prob," and they quickly ate their lunch before the bell rang.

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