Chapter Seven

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Hannah's POV

Older Hannah looked at me with her rifle still in her hand as I slowly ate the mushroom stew and bread that she had placed before me. She looked so tensed that the bullets of her rifle might drill into my skull if I made any sudden moves. The idiot Nilesy sat across me eating some bread, he eyed the mushroom stew suspiciously.

"What's your name?" I asked breaking the silence.

She looked at me, "Don't you know? I am you, but you can call me Lomadia, my name is also Hannah."

I frowned and looked down at my stew. "Do you know why we are here?" I asked. She simply shook her head.

She tilted her head to the air and an owl flew into the room and landed onto her shoulder with a message tied to it's leg with a slender piece of string. Lomadia untied the note from the owl's leg and fed it seeds. It hooted its thanks then flapped it wings to exit the room back where it came. Lomadia unfurled the note and held the white piece of parchment in her hands. She crushed the piece of paper and stuffed it into her jean pocket.

"Hannah, Nilesy, follow me." She quickly said and walked out of the room. I dragged my chair backwards with my body and stood up. Nilesy did the same and followed me out the room where Lomadia had gone through.

* * *

Soon, we reached a giant white building with a glowing dwarf on the side and glowing words written in red cursive 'Honeydew Inc.' We walked into the building and Lomadia sheathed her rifle into the holster behind her back. A man that looked exactly like Lewis was talking to actual Lewis. Only I, other than his parents, Simon and him knew his middle name. The same was for Simon. Simon was no where to be seen. Lewis' eyes sparkled when he saw me and I ran to him. I enveloped him into a hug. Lomadia walked to stand next to older Lewis and took out the crushed piece of paper to show to him.

I released the hug and held is face him my hands and our lips collided, I'm glad he's safe and that he's here when I'm in a strange world. Lomadia inched away from Older Lewis then cleared her throat loudly. I broke the kiss the held his hand as Nilesy walked forward to us.

"This is Xephos," she said gesturing to Older Lewis. She turned to look at him, "Where is the other one?"

At that moment a explosion could be heard and Simon and another person that looked like him with a ginger beard and Viking helmet walked into the building laughing. They saw us and stopped and the person in the beard pretended to cough.

"Ignore the explosion, just be careful when you walk outside, their might be a few giant holes outside," said the bearded man.

"Let me guess, you're Honeydew?" I asked in a really sarcastic tone.

He gave a mocking bow,"Dwarf of Kazmo Dan and owner of Honeydew Inc."

Lewis laughed then he was cut short. I stared at where he stood, he was gone.  

A voice echoed through the factory, "Teleported Lewis to Livid."

A/N Sorry for the wait but I finally got this published. The people of Tekkitiopia will be different. If you are confused, I sincerely apologize(she says sarcastically). Pls leave me a vote and a comment and if you have an idea for a story pls leave me a message, thanks. 

-Val :) 

P.S. Thank you to all my fans :3

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