Chapter 12: Dreams of Truth

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Drip... Drip... drip.

Ugh, the stench of dirt and mildew tickled my nose. I sneezed, the sound echoing in the room. I shifted to sit up, but a clanging stopped my movements. I still hadn't opened my eyes. I licked my lips and breathed in, dust triggering a coughing fit.

When my breathing had gone somewhat normally, I took another, more cautious breathe with better results. I sighed and opened my eyes. Or, at least, I tried to.

They wouldn't obey me. My eyelids, that is. They stubbornly remained shut. I raised a hand to my face and felt for my eyes. A tightly bound cloth blocked my sight, which made no sense. If anything, wouldn't they tie my mouth instead?

Creaking sounded to my near left. " Hello?" I feel like a dumb blonde in one of those scary movies.

The sound continued. I didn't want to say anything else, just in case that was my kidnapper. I had no clue how I got here exactly.

I remember the crash, and.. " Jade!!" Was she okay? She was bleeding from her head. Lots of blood. So much blood. I gasped for breath. She couldn't possibly have survived that wound, especially if no one had come quick enough. Tears prickled my eyes and I sniffled.

Why was this happening to me? I was innocent, I never tried to kill anyone or be mean to them although I hated the slutty juniors and seniors with a passion.

Was that the reason? If so, I would promise to dislike then only a teensy bit less if I could get out of here.

I felt around me as far as the shackles stunting my mobility would allow. The floor felt like earth, which explained the dirty smell of this place I was trapped in. I touched something hard and brittle. It felt cylinder. My mind conjured up gruesome images that might have fit the texture. A bone.

My body wouldn't let me ponder that any further. It throbbed telling me about a more pressing issue. All the movement woke my numbed body to all injuries I'd suffered in the car crash. While I felt the cuts and scratches and gashes peppering mostly my face and arms, the most pressing was the excruciating pain pulsing with every beat of my heart. My endurance obviously wasn't up to par, and I couldn't handle it. I fell unconscious at the opening of a door.

The sound of joyous chatter of excited children woke me up. I glanced around and grinned as I realized my eyes were fully open, free of the restraints that blinded me before.

I sat in the middle of a park, leaves coveted the spacious setting. Just seeing it was calming. Nothing of worry could penetrate the thick cloud of serene safety.

I watched the twins swing on the red and yellow swing set going higher and higher. They were both blonde but one wore a blue dress. That one rose to the peak of the swing, then jumped. She fell in an arc but instead of landing balanced in her mary jane's, she stumbled and knocked her head against the plastic border casing of the swingset.

Instantly, the girl was surrounded by two concerned parents, who picked her up and coddled her as they headed to the car. The little boy watched them drive away, then kicked his feet and began swinging again, this time, with less enthusiasm.

As he swung, a blonde lady crept up behind him, her movements slow and deliberate. She tapped him on the shoulder.

A grin split his lips as he turned to her. Does he know her?

"Doll!" he cried, throwing his thin arms around her neck. " I knew you would come!" She smiled down at him, but it was thin and ugly with insincerity. The little boy didn't notice though. He was so pure.

" Are you ready to go?" she asked softly. The boy's face clouded and he vigorously shook his head. " Why not?" He repeated the action. " How about I get you from school tomorrow?" He brightened and nodded.

She patted his head and turned away, heading toward the black Impala parked by the curb. I shivered inwardly at the expression on her face. Suddenly, I was glad the little boy was faced away from her. That look would shock the grin from his lips fast.

The scene grew murky as the colors bled together. I looked around to see something clear but everything was hazy and spinning. By the time I felt bile in the back of my throat, the haziness had cleared, leaving me outside a familiar house.

My feet lead me to the largest window and I peeked inside. The little boy was there, curled on the red plush sofa staring at the wall, bleary eyed.

Literally, his vibrant violets were dead, filled with nothing at all. Even the way he sat was lifeless, he just sort of leaned back limply with his head falling weakly to the side.

A far off movement near the room's entranced found my attention and I watched as the woman he called Doll floated into the room, her lips lifted in a creepy parody of a smile.

" Have you taken your pills, Hadie?" She asked chipperly.

" Yes, Doll." His eyes flickered with light and he sat up straight and stared her in her face." But why are you calling me Hadie? My name's Hayden, Doll." He blinked defiantly at her.

Her eye twitched, and before I could yell, her hand slashed across his cheek and reversed to hit his other cheek.

Hayden fell to the floor with a cry. I stared, this bitch was crazy! One smart word from a five year old and she slaps him, not once, but twice, on either side?

" Now go take your medicine," she commanded sharp- eyed.

" No," he sniffled pathetically, still clutching his small reddening cheeks. " I don't wanna take my pills, they make me go fuzzy." She stepped toward him menacingly, her mouth a harsh smile baring freakishly white teeth. Wisely, he huddled off deeper into the house, and out of my sight.

' Doll,' as Hayden had called her, grinned and plopped lazily into the seat with a giddy grin on her lips. As she did that, I received my first real look at her.

From her golden blonde of her widow's peak to the slimness of her ankles, her appearance shouted familiarity. She resembled my 'Doll' so fully they could have been twins. The only difference was her distended belly.

As I watched, she slid a pale hand to caress the bulge. " Soon, my dear Isabell, you'll have the perfect older sister. Isn't that right, Hadie?" She called out.

" Yes, Doll." Hayden said monotonously. He stepped back into the room. I jerked back. His emotionless eyes stared unblinking out the window where I was. He had changed out of his blue jumper, now sporting a beautiful ruffled and lacy dress made of pure white.

I blinked awake, the pain in my leg muted. I felt something wet on my forehead and a blurred shape lingered above me. I guess it was the dream or maybe ... I don't know why, but I screamed.

Instantly, my mouth was covered with a soft but firm hand. " Ssh!"

" Isabell!"

" I said to be quiet!" She hissed at me, her green eyes narrowed. " You don't want her to hear you, now do you?" I gave her a confused look. " Mother! You don't want mother to hear you're awake! You realize she's the one who brought you down here, right?"

" Why?" I croaked, letting my head fall back against the dirt.

" I don't know. I only just found out you were down here, she said you went out with friends. I swear, I'll help as much as I can. Just sleep for now. You have a fever." I could barely hear her over the rumble of my own head. The only way she could help me was to get me out of here.


Well, nothing much to say. In the next chapter, you'll see through Isabell's eyes.

Happy reading ~.~

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