Chapter 13

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Leaving was not the smartest thing to do. I know that. Putting my mind together now, I know it would have been smart to have Octavia do it since she had previously become close to Indra. She is not our leader though, making it pointless to have her risk her life just to be rejected by the grounders. This fighting between us has to end soon before we lose anymore people. Something had to done to end this cruelty.

I made my way back to the cave where I had taken shelter during my time alone after destroying Mt.Weather. The musky scent inside sent a peaceful shiver through my body, reminding me of all the time alone I had to relax and clear my mind. Oh how I wished I would be able to forget everything and just stay here forever. To my misfortune, Lexa had made a mark on me that wasn't under my own control.

I chucked a rock at the side of the cave in frustration, causing it to spark. The anger in my chest began to boil again. Before reeling myself in more, I leaned back against the wall and collapsed into my knees, hiding my face. I felt the hot tears soak through my pants. How is it that I can't seem to pull myself away from trying to protect my people? Not just my people...Lexa. She may have apologized for her doings but she claimed she loved me. Yet, she's still able to turn away from me whenever she feels weakness.

A small clutter of rocks rattled at the entrance of the cave, causing me to leap forth for my blade. I slowly walked out, scanning the area.

"We've been waiting for you grounder girl" Said a deep voice, coming out from behind a tree.

"Nyko..." I gasped.

He walked towards me, rubbing his blade with a cloth.

"Bring me to Indra" I commanded quickly before he could lunge forward and keep me from speaking.

He looked up at me and chuckled deeply.

"Our leader does not wish to speak with you. She wishes for us to kill you"

"I have a proposal. If you kill me my people will come after you. You shouldn't put your people at risk" I said sternly, feeling the color rise to my face.

I watched him evaluate my words.

"You think Indra has not thought about that? We have a stronger army young sky person. You should be the one worried about dying. As soon as you die, your people will come to us and they will not return back to camp Jaha. That's a fact."

"Nyko, wouldn't Indra want to have Lexa more than she would want me?" I asked, trying to come up with a solution to save myself.

"Of course. She's still alive."

"If you hold me captive instead, Lexa will come for me. I know that." I said, feeling guilty for assuming she would save me when I wasn't sure anymore.

A large smirk planted across his face and he tucked his knife back into his pocket.

"You want to kill Lexa to save yourself?" He asked doubtfully.

"Of course I don't want to kill her. You will see she is not weak for defending us. If Lexa comes for me, you will know she would do the same for your people. She is willing to risk her life for her new people. She could have done that for you. That is not weakness."

"Clarke, you seem to forget something. There is big difference between you and us. Lexa is in love with you, Sky Heda. She is not defending your people...she is defending YOU. She was able to put her people second just for YOU. This is weakness. LOVE is weakness. Why are you so blind to this? Can't you see that she has fallen out of line? We cannot spend our time having a truce with you if we know you would put each other first." He said, seeming a little more angry than before.

I felt taken aback. The understanding had fallen over me like a tidal wave. It was overly clear why Lexa had done what she had done. The puzzle pieces were all put together.

"If we give you Lexa...will you stop fighting with us?" I asked shakily.

"As long as we have Lexa, we will not give you any trouble."

"Where do I stand? Indra still wants me."

"Indra wanted you because you cause pain to Lexa. Once Lexa knows you have betrayed her to save your people, that will be more pain to her than killing you."

I felt the tears coming back but I stood straight and clenched my throat.

"Lead me to your camp then. That's where Lexa will search" I commanded.

"That will take too long" Nyko said, pulling out his horn and blowing 3 long signals through it.

"Now we wait"

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