Chapter 9

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After a day of hiking back to camp Jaha, we finally reached it. The people welcomed Lexa with opened arms, considering she risked her life in believing that the grounders and the sky people should no longer be in war.

Right away, my mother took in Lexa and began to treat her. For the meantime I could only wait for her results.

I made my way to the drink shack and pulled out a beer from the drawer. It felt good to finally sit down for once without feeling responsible for anything.

"You sure that's a good idea?" Raven joked, pointing to my beer.

"You have no idea" I said, forcing myself to crack a smile.

She pulled over a log and sat beside me, cracking open a beer herself.

"So Bellamy told me what happened." She continued. "He told me you refused to go with them when Lexa was to weak to go with you. He also told me how much you cared for her."

"I don't like to leave anyone behind. Nobody would if you were responsible for the deaths of over 100 people."

"Clarke, you did what you needed to do in order to save us. If you hadn't done anything we would be dead. You're mom would be dead....all of your friends too. You need to let this go now." Raven urged me.

"I know. And I will, but I need time."

"You know Mt.Weather doesn't explain why you helped Lexa. If she hadn't left, everyone would still be alive and you wouldn't have to live with yourself like this." She pointed out.

"I would have done the same for my people"

"No you wouldn't"

"I killed Finn for my people" I said sternly.

"No, you killed Finn to relieve his pain and to protect Lexa. Again, why do you protect Lexa even when she was going to kill your lover?"

I stood up feeling a surge of anger rush through my body.

"What are you saying? That I'm caring for Lexa? That I'm protecting her? That I'm in love with her?" I asked loudly.

"Yes Clarke. That's exactly what I'm saying!"

I sat back down, feeling a little shaken by her response.

"It's okay" She said while pulling me in for a hug.

We sat back down to enjoy the final sips of our beers. The night was pretty, showing big and bright stars. Although the weather was nice, I couldn't help but sense that the air was becoming more crisp. On the ark we had learned about the seasons here on earth. From knowledge, I suspected that winter was just around the corner.

I pulled my jacket closer to my body and sat back against the shack wall. I closed my eyes and for the first time in 2 days, I welcomed sleep to overtake my body.

3 hours later

I was gently jolted awake by my mother who was happy to see me. When we arrived, we didn't say much since I quickly handed her Lexa, making sure that she treated her right away.

"Hi honey" She said as she helped me up.

"How's Lexa?" I asked quickly.

"She's okay for now. That's not what I'm concerned about though. It's these cuts" She frowned, pointing to the wounds the awful grounder made on my body.

"Thanks mom" I said, taking the red paste from her hands.

"So can you give me a real update on Lexa?" I asked.

"Well, her wounds are deeply infected which lead to a pretty high fever. One of her ribs is very badly bruised, possibly fractured. I don't know how long she's been in that ditch but it must've been a very long time since she's extremely dehydrated and slightly emaciated."

"That's not bad right?" I asked hopefully.

"Could have been worse"

"Can I see her?"

She nodded and I quickly walked away, trying not to get caught up in anymore motherly chat. When I entered Lexa's medical room, I swiftly walked over to her bed. She lay so peacefully that I even steadied my breathing so she wouldn't wake up. Her face was especially beautiful now since all of her war makeup had been wiped off. It exposed the soft-looking side of her. A warm and fuzzy feeling floated inside of me, making me feel more comforted.

I pulled up a chair and sat by her side. My hand made its way to hers, and I intertwined our fingers.

"Get better Heda Lexa" I said, as I placed a light kiss onto her forehead.

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