Chapter 4

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"Clarke you've just gotten you back. You can't leave just now. Our people need you." Bellamy said, trying to convince me. He put his arms around me as if he already knew my answer.

"May we meet again" He whispered.

"May we meet again."

He pushed open the large metal doors and waved to me one last time. I looked away to avoid second thoughts.

The weather wasn't as great as it had been the past week. The rain was slowly falling down and the clouds covered any sign of the sun. I began to make my way in the direction of Ton dc in hopes that I would come across a pack of hunting grounders.

Past the thousands of trees, across the many streams, and down the steep hills I trekked. Still, I hadn't found any signs of grounders. It was when I arrived to Ton dc that I saw a heard of them.

I crept around the burnt down village, trying to find the best moment to make myself visible. At one point, they had put down their weapons to consume a deer that they had found. It was time to make a move.

"Hey!" I called from behind them. At once, they had dropped down their food rations and pointed their spears at me. Though once they realized it was me, they seemed to settle down a bit. One of them slowly approached me and reached out to grab my arms.

"It's okay. I will go with you voluntarily." I said, trying not to be smuggled violently.

They all nodded to one another and before I could say anything or do anything, all went black.

2 hours later

I awoke to find myself tied in chains to a stone wall. My guess was that I was underground somewhere. I could tell by the cool damp smell and the lack of clean oxygen.

I groaned at the increasing pain growing in my head. The chains around my hands were tight, scraping the layer of skin almost right off my wrists. I couldn't see exactly how bad it was since the only source of light was a dim candle in the far corner of the room.

"Hello?" I called out frantically. I heard a faint rustling sound from somewhere in the room but I couldn't make out what it was. A rat? An insect? Another prisoner?

I squinted my eyes in the direction of the sound, only to see the faint outline of another grounder. Probably a girl form the curves of the delicate body. From the curled over outline, It looked as if the prisoner was either sick or dead.

A few feet away, I could barely see a small metal wire sticking out form the wall. I reached as far as I could but reared back when the pain from my wrists gave me a burst of a harsh burning sensation. I turned around, placing my feet in the direction of the sharp wire. Luckily my legs were long enough and I was able to get the wire caught in my boot.

The lock wasn't hard to pick at all, it was the part where I had to take the cuffs of. After having the skin scraped off my wrists, the blood had dried onto the cuffs, sticking my hands to them. The excruciating pain that followed caused me to screech out in pain, causing the prisoner to rustle around a bit in the dirt.

I broke off a piece of the wall to give myself a source of defense. Slowly tiptoeing over to the girl, I held the rock before me, scared of what the prisoner would do to survive. I knelt down besides her sick body. She was facing towards the wall with her hands pressing down onto her stomach, showing obvious signs of pain. Slowly, I pulled her body towards me. She rested her head onto my knee, giving me a clear picture of her face.

"Lexa?" I asked horrified.

Her eyes struggled to open but she barely managed.

"Cla-Clarke" She whispered, trying to get the words out of her mouth. Her voice was dry and she had trouble breathing.

I felt a rush of excitement and adrenaline pump through my body. Then it went to sadness. Then anger.

I pushed away my emotions and lifted up her shirt, revealing massive bruises, cuts and scars. Possibly a broken rib too.

"What happened?" I asked her as I sat back against the wall, placing her in between my legs, having her head rest on my chest. This would help the blood from clotting around a possible broken bone but secretly it comforted me.

"I failed" She struggled to say again.

I felt a rise of anger in my chest again but it was replaced with sadness.

"You left me.." I sad softly. Though we were in the dark and I couldn't see much, I swear there was a tear falling down her cheek.

"My head. Not my heart." She managed to make out. Her words were small and weak.

I couldn't help but feel angry again. She cared about me yet she left me to die. Why don't I do the same?

I felt her nuzzle into me and she was able to lift a hand and place in on mine.

"Don't leave me" She whispered softly, almost too soft to hear her.

"I'm here" I replied as I squeezed her hand tightly. "I'm not going anywhere."

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