(15) BrittTheBookSlayer

149 6 2

A new interview for you all and yes you too and yeah yeah you too :O 

This interview is a total awesome sauce interview fella's and the person I am interviewing is like really really popular and most you must be knowing her and stuff . 

She is the author of What the spell ? , Life's a witch and some more books that everyone of us loved ^_^ 

So here it is :))

Interwiew number fifteen ! 

1. Tell the readers something about yourself . 

- I've always wanted to be a storyteller.

2. What gave you the idea to start writing here on Wattpad ?

- Well, when I learned about Wattpad, I loved the idea that there was a place where readers and writers could go to display their work. It was like what Youtube did for musical artists, and now, movies and television. Wattpad was a place where aspiring writers could find an audience and create a fanbase. At the time I'd dealt with 9 years of rejection and wasn't sure where to take my writing. Then I found Wattpad. I was told you never give away your work for free. I'm glad I didn't listen, because now I have a 3-book deal with Simon & Schuster!

3. What is the best chilldhood memory on any book that you hav read ?

- I still love the Sesame Street book, "The Monster at the End of This Book". At the time I just loved that it was about a loveable monster. Now, I see that it's more about not letting fear hold you back from experiencing life.

4. Any of your books here on Wattpad , that really define you or tell something or the other about        you ? 

Life's a Witch was the first book I wrote and published here on Wattpad. It was a story that connected me with readers, authors and daydreamers. It was what came out of me when I stopped trying to force myself into the publishing world. And it was what readers really connected with, garnering me 19 million reads of it. It was my big break and the first time I had proof that people enjoyed my writing. Because of that, I think I feel most connected to it. I adore my main character Hadley because of her strength, courage, confidence and what she does for the people she loves. She makes a difference in the world and that's all I've ever wanted to do.

That's her books cover to the right ====>

5.  You have so many fans/followers here on Wattpad , any kind of message you would like to give them ? 

It's because of my fans that my dreams have come true. A huge, heartfelt thank you to each and every one. Also, don't give up before the miracle happens.

6. What do you do when you suffer from ''writers block '' ?

- Typically I don't get writer's block in the sense that I don't know where a story is going, because I always outline before I write. But some days, the words just don't come as easily as others. When that happens, I just push through it and put anything I can down on paper (errr, my computer screen). You can always go back later and change things, but if you just stop because it's not perfect, you'll never have a finished story.

7. Your favourite author and some of those you would like to work with ?

- Some of my favorite authors are Meg Cabot, Michelle Hodkin, J.K. Rowling, Suzanne Collins, Amanda Havard, Tori Spelling, Jonathan Mayberry and Christopher Pike. I would DIE to have the opportunity to work with Joss Whedon in any way. I know he's mostly known for television, movies and comics, but his mind is GENIUS.

8. What do you do in your free time except writing and reading ?

- I'm obsessed with TV and movies--almost as obsessed as I am with books--and love watching them when I'm not working. Eventually I hope to bring my stories to the small and big screens, too. I'm also gluten-free and love to cook, and hang out with my new husband!

So so so thats it !

And I am pretty much sure that you all loved it :')

Until then go fan her , read her books and take care ^_^


Interview with the  Wattpadians. [ Part one ]Where stories live. Discover now