(7) Red_Harvey

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Doing a interview and one day . Needed a break , life took over and my mind was kinda messed up too but here I am , going to do an interview again :D

Today we have an interview with @Red_Harvey . NO ! She is'nt that famous though , but she has   her own blog , it's great , I checked it out . You all should do it too =B

Her paranormal/horror novel, "Cursed" is available from World Castle Publishing on Barnes & Noble and Amazon

Thanks Harvey :D

1. Tell the readers something about you . 

-  I'm studying fantasy and science fiction literature. Nearing the end of my thesis now, and it feels pretty surreal.

2. What gave you the idea to start writing here , on Wattpad ?

- Other writers kept mentioning Wattpad on Goodreads and Kindle message boards. When I read the word "Wattpad" for the umpteenth time, I had to know what it was. After I found out, I was hooked.'

3. What is the best childhood memory of any book that you have read ?

-  During my high school years, way back when, I was addicted to Christoper Pike novels (don't judge me). The best childhood memory I have is of Pike's novel "The Starlight Crystal". When I got to the end of it, I was so blown away. In it, the lead character witnesses the end of her universe and the beginning of another, and through a time-flux, she meets an earlier version of herself. It's a revelatory plot, and I knew I wanted to write a great story like that.

4. Any of your books here on Wattpad , that really define you or tell something or the other about you ?

- Really, all of my writing defines me and tells something about me. In particular, I feel bonded to my novel "The Mutant Star Tragedy" because it's about the levels of humanity, both good and bad, and I know possess good and bad elements, just like everyone else.

That's her books cover to the right ===>

5. You have so many fans/followers here , any kind of message you would like to give them ?

- I don't have too many followers yet. For now, to my 50 or so odd followers, I'd like to say keep reading. Yes, read first, and write second. For every line you write, you should be reading four paragraphs of someone else's work. A great place to read (for free!) is Wattpad :D

6 . What do you do when you suffer from ''writers block'' ? 

When I'm stuck on a story, I use my muse, or aka, my husband. With him, I talk story points, character developments, or whatever is on my mind. Sometimes he doesn't even have to say anything back, and often he doesn't, but just saying it all aloud allows me to reach an epiphany.

7. Your favourit author and some of those you would like to work with ?

- My absolute favorite author is Stephen King. However, he's too easy a pick as he's everyone's favorite, so I'll mention my second favorite, Ursula K. LeGuin. In my other life, the one where everything's perfect and I'm a respected writer, I would get the chance to work with authors like Margaret Atwood and Ray Bradbury. Their writing styles are a lot like King's and LeGuin's, at times so concise, and at other times, it's borderline poetry.

8. What do you do in your free time except writing and reading ?

- In my free time when I'm not reading and writing, I'm thinking about reading and writing. While I"m thinking of those two things, I can usually be found hanging out with my friends, laughing about random things around my ridiculously red dinner table.

So that's it . Yoohoo :D

I loved her answers , too much <3 

So vote and comment :* ... until then byee B)

Interview with the  Wattpadians. [ Part one ]Where stories live. Discover now