(13) BRMyers

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Hi skittles ^_^ 

So what's up , bro :D 

I am back with a NEW-NEW interview for my lovlies <3 :') 

And why would'nt I - You all have given me so so much love since I joined Wattpad ! 

So about the writer - She is an awesome and epic writer and I loved her answers so very much and I also find her life so much interesting . As you all know about the books she has written - The Busgirl Blues , that's my favourite book until now and she is my favourite writer too ^_^ 

So yeah , interview number thirteen ! 

1. Tell the readers something about yourself.

I collect vintage jewelry, dream in color, and dance when I think no one is watching. It's also my dream to own a unicorn farm someday.

2. What gave you the idea to start writing here , on Wattpad ?

- I heard an interview with Margaret Atwood on CBC radio. The idea that anyone, anywhere in the world with a cell phone could read my stories resonated with me. I started with a few short stories, and then I added BUSGIRL BLUES. Good things have been happening since then <3.

3. What is the best childhood memory of any book that you have read ?

- Two words; Frog and Toad. Well, okay that's actually three words. But, oh my nerves, I frickin' love that no matter how grumpy Toad was, Frog always made him smile. I also had a 45 rpm record with Arnold Lobel narrating. I played that sucker for hours. Like HOURS.

4. Any of your books here on Wattpad that really define you or tell something or the other about you ?

- BUSGIRL BLUES is loosely based on my summers spent working at The Captain's House in my home town of Chester, Nova Scotia...except for the romantic stuff (unfortunately).

That's her books cover to the right ===>

5. You have so many fans/followers here , any kind of message you would like to give them ?

- THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Also, thank you. The stories only come alive if people read them. Nothing is more satisfying than receiving a comment about Kelsey or Luke like they're a friend who just lives down the road.

6. What do you do when you suffer from ''writers block'' ?

- I put my butt in the chair and type. You can't edit a blank page, so I just keep writing. You have to treat writing like a job. And sometimes a great idea or neat twist happens when you plow through a scene without thinking too hard.

7. Your favourite author and some of those you would like to work with ?

- I LURV J.K. Rowling to the moon and back. I'd be happy to work with Alex Pettyfer. Oh, wait...you mean work with another writer. I'm sure Alex has some good ideas, but first he has to mow my lawn with his shirt off.

8. What do you do in your free time except writing and reading ?

- I work as a Registered Nurse and take care of my two kids and husband. But they're pretty self sufficient so I run once in awhile or do yoga, and then there's the renovations for the unicorn farm I hope to have someday.

So so so that's pretty it :')

That's the best interview I had taken ( thats what I think)

Comment below and tell me what you think of it ^_^

So thank you , thank you you all are far too kind and that's a rap . ZOOO <3 ;)

Interview with the  Wattpadians. [ Part one ]Where stories live. Discover now