Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Deductions and Distractions

Sherlock was back to his silence. John by now had guessed that it was his thinking mode. The fifteen year old was still pondering over the list trying to find a supposed second message within the first. It was all a bit confusing for John. Nonetheless he attempted to help in whatever way possible. Even if that wasn’t a large contribution. The silence was a friendly one, though, and a good environment for John to study in for his exams next year. No point in being unprepared. Anyway, after Christmas would be busy. Though a nerd, in a way, John was also an avid sportsman. And in the next two terms he would be playing in football matches tennis and doing athletics. So very busy.

All the more reason to study now. Sherlock never seemed to revise. Or do any schoolwork. But John guessed that he knew all he needed to know.

“How’s it going?” John glanced over at Sherlock where he was curled up, knees against his chest and hands pressed together under his chin, concerned sparked in his gaze. The younger boy was eating even less than normal and barely sleeping, claiming that he needed to concentrate on the ‘case.’ John was almost regretting agreeing to help him thus creating the Sociopath Society. It was much of a society, though, with there only being two members. Maybe John could talk to Lestrade. He wanted to be a Detective Inspector after all.

“No progress,” Sherlock groaned out, glaring at John as if it was his fault that he couldn’t work it out. John sighd, standing and putting down his pen as the dinner bell rang loud and clear.

“Come to dinner?” John moved over to Sherlock’s bed, frowning.

“Don’t want to.” Sherlock had the stubbornness of the teenager he never acted like. John put his hand on the other boy’s, looking at him pleadingly. How come Sherlock acted mature when it wasn’t needed and immature when it wasn’t wanted?

“Please?” Sherlock shook his head, once again stubborn. This caused John to attempt to pull him up. Sherlock obviously didn’t want to come but John wasn’t taking no as an answer. So he was resorting to force.

“Just come to the dining hall, for me? You don’t have to eat anything and you can bring your notes with you!” John was almost reduced to begging as his friend tried to stay sitting against John’s best efforts. Obstinate bastard. John missed Sherlock sorely every time he wasn’t in sight. Even his presence comforted him. Because John was worried, what with all the message stuff and Sherlock convinced there was a murder involved. Of course Sherlock didn’t notice his concern, or pretended not to. John wasn’t sure which. The two hadn’t talked about the... stuff other than talking that had happened in the supply closet. And John wasn’t sure exactly where they stood.

Because Sherlock was so bloody hard to read!

“Come on, Sher! Please. I’ll... I’ll come out with you if you need to smoke!” John offered reluctantly, trying not to look amused at the way Sherlock perked up before jumping to his feet. That was another thing John worried about. The smoking and going outside on his own in the dark. John would have to talk to him about that. About alternative.

“Fine I’ll come.” John didn’t know how he did it. Change from stubborn to excited to reluctant bordering on bored in the space of a few minutes. That was Sherlock for you.


It was longer than anticipated before Sherlock and John could escape the clutches of the dining hall. Turned out Lestrade had wanted to discuss university applications with john. And it had been one heck of a long discussion, with Sally and Anderson (ugh) joining in in the end. Molly had been fawning over Sherlock much to his annoyance and John’s amusement.

But finally they were outside having slipped out corridor 221b’s fire exit. For once John didn’t mind about breaking the rules. Sherlock snuck out all the time, when he though John wasn’t looking, and had never been caught. Why would they be now?

Sherlock seemed to know where he was going pretty well, not even needing to use the torch John had brought along. Just the light of the stars and moon. John’s eyes soon adjusted to the darkness. Then widened at the sight of the place Sherlock had come to.

It was a small clearing just off the campus, surrounded by a ring of trees. All types; oak, beech, pine and many more. leaves of brown, red and gold (at least John thought they were those colours) coated the grass beneath their thick trunks. John smiled, turning a full circle to take it in. So pristine. Beautiful lit by moonlight. John slowly made his way to underneath a tree, lowering himself silently to the ground and leaning his head against the rough bark. He was glad he’d offered to come. He should make it a regular thing. Even if the wind was cold, a damp smell in the air signalling the coming of rain. Before long it would be snowing. After all winter was coming quickly and they were in England.

Closing his eyes only served to relax him more. Even the sounds of Sherlock’s lighter and his inhaling and exhaling didn’t serve to bother him. At least he couldn’t see what was going on. Instead of thinking about that John just concentrated on his surroundings. The sounds, smells, feelings. The feeling of the chilly breeze ruffling his short blonde hair, the crunch of dry leaves as someone walked towards him.

Wait a minute.

A rather hot breath hit his face, mingling with the smell of cigarette smoke. But it wasn’t a bad smell. John slowly opened his eyes to stare into those that might as well be galaxies. Even in the dark where no colours were on show John could imagine each one in those eyes.

Yep, definitely glad he had come here with Sherlock.

“Hello, Sher,” John whispered softly as he moved his head closer and gently put his arms around the other boy’s neck.

“Hello, John,” Sherlock smiled. A small thing, but it mad John feel warm inside. Because Sherlock almost never smiled.

Al off a sudden Sherlock had pulled John into a tight embrace, unbalancing both and causing them to fall to the ground as their lips collided. It was a passionate kiss, sparking a form of love in John’s heart. He wasn’t sure if Sherlock felt the same. Though he must feel something for John. After all this was the second time Sherlock had kissed him so it couldn’t just be a coincidence or something.

Soon the two had managed to get themselves tangled up on the ground, leaves all over them and lips still pressed together. Suddenly Sherlock pulled away, sitting up with a frown and adjusting his scarf.

“You’re distracting me from the case.” John almost strangled the fifteen year old there and then, sighing. That kiss had been perfect bliss! Sherlock must have felt it... John was yearning for more. He just wanted contact, any form of it with Sherlock. Sitting up himself the blond moved as close as possible to Sherlock, head hovering before his.

“Is it not a good distraction?” John let a small amount of hurt seep into his tone.

“Yes... but...” Sherlock looked almost guilty. Almost. “I’m married to my work. My cases. I’ve decided.” John almost laughed out loud at that. Instead he gave Sherlock an affectionate peck on the cheek and replied.

“Really?! Well I’m going to have to have a little talk with your ‘work’ and tell it you’re already taken.” John laughed good naturedly.

“You’re doing it again.”

“Distracting you? With what, my words? Come on Sher!” John tilted his head as a look of realisation dawned across Sherlock’s pale face.

“Words! That’s it, John! The code! You’re a genius!” Sherlock gave John a quick kiss on the lips before sprinting full pelt towards the school, not giving a chance of John to say otherwise.

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