Chapter 16- Say what?!

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 I know I updated last night but I spent all night writing this chapter...and I HAVE to update! 

So here it is my lovelies :) Enjoyyy


Liam's POV

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO?" My blood was boiling and if it weren't for Harry, Louis and Zayn holding me back I would have broken something.

"Buddy, take a breath and calm down." Niall tried whilst restraining my arms and blocking my path, which was a good thing too because I would of punched the management team silly. Still wriggling to get free, I looked into Niall's eyes and I saw fear. Fear of me. 

"Why? This is complete inequality! Eleanor can come! How is my girlfriend any different? WHY?!"

This was an absolute load of rubbish. I've never felt this angry before. The boy's know that I'm not a violent person but I just don't stand for this! I usually just shake things off and don't take them too close to heart but this has taken me over the edge. I am in full rage mode, which is probably why Niall is so scared. None of the boys have ever seen me like this. I've tried very hard to make that so. 

"Come on! Answer me! Don't just stand there dumb founded. Tell me why, my girlfriend is any different to Louis'. TELL ME! They even go to the same school together! TELL ME!"

This was really annoying me now. They weren't saying anything at all. My head was starting to hurt and I could feel my veins throbbing in my forehead. 

"Liam, I need you to calm down and I'll explain everything." Mike, our manager stated as calmly as he could. But even his voice was shaky. Am I really that scary? "Please Mr Payne, I need you to sit down and speak to me in a calm, proper manor. There is no reason for such behaviour." Why were they always this formal? We're teenagers and our oldest member still thinks he's 5! Why address us like that?

"I'll calm down once you tell me why Natalie is any different from Eleanor."  Still aggressive, I bring the tone of my voice down. The faster I control myself and my emotions, the faster I get answers,

"There is no difference between Miss Calder and Miss...-" Mike cut off, obviously searching for Nat's last name. 

"...Thompson." I finished for him.

"Yes, Miss Thompson but you must keep in mind, the public know Eleanor. She is a key figure and is known by the fans. We are merely keeping Miss Thompson’s best interests at heart. Keeping her sheltered, keeping her safe. Isn’t that what you want Mr Payne?” Now he was trying to spoon feed me crap.

“Of course I want her safe! BUT-but I also want her with me!” I had to stop mid-sentence, to calm myself down. Breathe Liam. Mike didn’t look like he was going to answer so I turned to Lindsay.

“Err…well you see Liam, we just don’t have the room or the money to accommodate such an unnecessary addition to the tour. I don’t know if you are aware of how much it costs for every person that comes along with us on tour. We need to pay for you boys and your needs, camera men, venues, staff, security, drivers, photographers, stylists, makeup artists and companies for promotional purposes and not to mention gas! A lot goes into the planning of a tour and we might need to get another bus just to accommodate for your...girlfriend.” She said girlfriend with such disgust it angered me even more, but I just couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

“I’m not ignorant Lindsay, I know there are costs. But why does Eleanor get to attend the entire tour but then I ask to have my girlfriend to accompany us for only a section of the tour and then it becomes such an issue.  I doubt that money is the issue at stake here, but if money is what we are talking about….then-“ I stopped to think for a moment. “I will pay for Natalie to come on tour with us. End of story!”

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