Chapter 6

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So sorry for not updating for a while but here it is I hope you enjoy and please comment.

Stiles P.O.V

The next morning I woke up to the sound of tapping on my window, so I got up curious to what the sound is. When I got there I saw Derek crouching at the window. I let him in and looked at him with one eyebrow raised.

"I do have a door that actually works" I say sarcastically.

"Yeah, but I didn't know if your dad knows about me?"

"Oh well I plan on telling him everything tonight just incase he doesn't know"

"Oh, ok"

"Ok when I say this I don't mean to be rude but, what are we gonna do about your basketball team today?"

"Well the plan is that we hide out at recess and lunch together, I'll tell my 'so called friends' I'm hanging with Brett but really I'm hanging with you. I have a hiding spot where nobody goes, I actually think nobody knows about it. So that is a bonus."

"Ok what about during class"

"Well I know you'll hate this but we have to act like we hate each other. I'll say we had a massive fight and we now hate each other."

"This plan is good and bad, good that I get to spend time with you and you can keep your spot on that team, bad because I don't want to hate you well fake hate you it's still that same thing."

"Hey hey hey" Derek smoothly says while walking up to me and grabs my face so we are inches apart,"it's not like we actually hate each other, at least we can make out after." As he said that I smashed my lips into his and put my hands on his waist, while he moved one hand to the back of my head gently massaging my hair. I bit his lip and a moan escapes his mouth but I pull away and look at the time. Were gonna be late for school. I quickly grab all my stuff I need for school and go back to my room to say goodbye to Derek but he's gone and he left a note.

See you at school,
Everything will be ok,
I love you,
Derek xoxo'

The last part of the message kept playing over and over in my head on the way to school, he loves me.

When I got to school I walked straight to my locker and stopped for a minute because I could feel someone's presence behind me so I turned around and it was Scott. Before I could say anything he spoke first.

"Look I'm sorry for how I acted, it was uncalled for." He apologized.

"It's ok I forgive you but Derek and I aren't friends anymore" I hate saying that, I wished I didn't have to lie to my best friend but I couldn't trust him with this because I know he actually hates Derek. I have also learnt how to keep my heart beat calm while lying so that is a bonus.

"Dude, why what happened?"

"Um well after the basketball game I kissed Derek but his basketball team mates said it was either basketball or me........ So you can guess what he chose"

"Oh dude, do you want me to punch his face in?"

"NO DON'T DO THAT!" I said a but too loudly.

"Calm down bro,"

"RINGGGGGGGGGG" the bell goes off and signals us to go to class. Economics went for what it felt like years, but as soon as the bell went I raced out the room and went to the spot we decided to meet he was already there and I ran up to him and kissed him, the most romantically possible.

"I love you too!" I managed to say after we pulled away.

"I thought you might think it's too soon"

"Hale, I have loved you since we met in year 7"

"Stilinski, I can't believe you said that because I loved before I met you, well I could smell you and I instantly fell in love with your strawberry and vanilla scent"

"Strawberry and vanilla?"

"Yes you smell like that"

"Usually I smell like sweat and bio"

"Baby not to me you don't" as he said that he kisses me and we end up making out for the whole recess until we were disturbed by the horrible sound of the school bell breaking us apart.

"See you at lunch" I said sadly because I didn't want to leave his side,"love you" I called out.

"Love you too" he blew me a kiss and I blushed, then we walked away from each other to go to class.

After class finished I am walking to my locker to put my things away to get out my other books, but before I can reach my locker I am pulled into the storage room, I was slightly taken aback but when my eyes adjusted to who pulled my in there it was Derek, I smiled and kissed him and he kissed me bask straight back. I moved my hands to his lower back almost touching his ass and rest my hands there and Derek traces circles on my lower back.

"Mmmmmmm.......I've got to get to class" I wish I didn't have to go.

"I know I just missed you I couldn't wait till lunch."

"Mmmmm.... I could do this all day" I say whispering, because I didn't want anyone to hear us.

"Same here"

"Ok I seriously have to go....... you"

"Love you too"

Derek and I mostly spent the rest of school secretly kissing and talking about random things but later Derek invited me to spend a night at his house. I want to but I don't know what will happen, I don't think I'm ready to do 'it' with him yet, so I just said yes. If anything did happen I would just tell him in not ready.

I went home to grab a few things for the night like a pillow and clothes for the next day. Then I put my things in the back and left in my precious jeep.

When I got there I was swarmed with Derek's siblings, they all hugged me at once, and I felt loved, not that I don't get loved from my dad it's just he is never there. I hugged them back as soon as I realizes what was happening. I looked around to see Derek not there, but as soon as I think that he walks out of the shadows and gains my attention. Everyone jumps off me and I walk up to Derek and kiss him, I hear 'awwwwwwwww's from the girls and 'go Derek' from the boys. Derek flips them off while we are still kissing and I pull away and chuckle. He grabs my hand and we walk to his room. He technically grabbed my wrist and dragged me into his room. I found it funny for some weird reason.

"Sorry about them, they just really like you!" He is so adorably when he apologizes.

"It's ok, I like it........ But I would much rather do this." I walk over to Derek and go to kiss his plump lips, but dodge them and go to him neck which I know is his favorite spot. I start to suck hickeys all the way down his neck, which causes Derek to moan. I love the sound of him moaning. I pause to take a look at him and realize that the hickeys aren't fading away.

"Hey Derek..... Ummm....... They are not going away." I said making a hand gesture to Derek neck.

"What!?" He said and rushed to the bathroom which connected to his room to take a look." I don't understand, it must be apart of you being my mate. We wolves like to mark our territory, but only wolves have that effect on humans not humans on wolves" and that's when I feel it, my teeth start to hurt like someone is trying to rip it out. I kneel down and grab my face in pain, then Derek run to my side. " what is it? Stiles, babe, what's wrong?"

I look up to him and show him my teeth. He looks at me and says, " stiles tell me something by any chance you had a dream and someone asked you if you could be a werewolf?" I look up at him worried.

"Yes, why?"

"And what did you say?"

"I said............. Yes" I stare into his eyes and I smile.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Because now I'm like the person I love and will love forever!!" I see a smile form on his lips and kiss him.

"I love you more than humanly possible"

"Well we aren't exactly human anymore" I say sarcastically and kiss him one more time.

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