Chapter 2

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Stiles P.O.V

I see Derek jump out of his car and wave at him as I smile, he smiles (god I love his smile) and walks over to me. We do that bro hug thing, it was our first bro hug and it was AWESOME!! I still can't quite fathom that derek and I are friends.

"So did you get into trouble for being out late?" I ask concerned.

"A little no phone for a week.... But I'm still aloud to go out which is great".

"I hear the basketball championship game is coming up soon. That's got to be pretty exciting!" I say trying to break the silence.

"Yeah it is....... What about you've got your lacrosse final as well".

"Yeah but we are versing Brett's team so there is no chance of winning" I say a little sad. But Derek places a hand on my shoulder and looks at me.

"Hey! I bet you you'll win, and I'll be there to cheer on the team" Derek said making me look into those gorgeous green eyes of his.

"Really.... What date is your game?"

"19th of October. So next week, what about yours?"

"20th of October. So I'll be at your game too". We both smiled at each other until I broke it and looked at Scott, who was looking at us weirdly. I waved him over and he kept his weird expression on his face. Scott doesn't know I like Derek nobody knows and if Derek found out I actually think I will die of embarrassment. Derek and I won't be anything more that friends because 1. I'm puny and skinny 2. I think he likes girls(well he's dated them) and 3. He just doesn't like me that way, I know this because I'm actually pretty good at knowing when someone likes another person.

"Hey Scott" I say trying to get rid of Scott's confused look.

"Hey Sti.... Derek" Scott actually seemed surprised. I was going to ask him why he looked surprised but Derek stated talking.

"Scott" Derek said giving him a nod and walked away to talk to his basketball team mates.

"Stiles why the hell are you talking to Derek Hale, you know what he is don't you" I could tell Derek was listening to our conversation, but I didn't care I wanted him to hear me stand up for him.

"Yes of course I know what he is, I think everyone in beacon hills knows what he is and anyway why would I be talking to you if I was afraid of werewolves?" I asked a little angrily.

"Hey that's not f-"

"Name one thing I have to worry about Derek doing?" I cut him off.

"..............."Scott didn't respond to that.

"My point, and he wouldn't hurt me because he is my friend" that physically hurt me to say that Derek was only my friend and nothing more.

I walked away towards a smiling Derek and left Scott there on his own. But when I turned around to look at him, I saw him stomp off angrily. I scoffed a little and turned back around to face Derek.

"Thank you" Derek said and I just smiled and nodded as Derek introduced me to his friends.


We spent most of the day together learning more and more things about each other and noticing the little facial expressions we make at random things.


"Hey you know how we have those tests coming up and they practically decide if we get kept down or not-"

"Yes I would love to come over and study" Derek smiled, I think he could tell I was nervous but he didn't ask why. I just smiled and once again looked down.

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