Chapter 5

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Derek's P.O.V

As I mouth the words 'I'm sorry' to Stiles, I walk to the locker room to talk with my team mates. I have all these mixed emotions I'm angry, happy, sad, excited, proud, surprised, worried, scared but most of all I don't want to loss Stiles.

"Dude what the hell was that?" Kyle says angrily and a but disgusted. But at the same time shoves me against the lockers.

"Do you have a problem with my sexuality?" I have completely angry and push him off me.

"Yes we do, it's gross and we can't have a faggot on our team?" Jackson says.

"So what you are saying is that I can't be on the team if I'm gay or bisexual?"

"Yes that is exactly what we are saying" I look to Brett and he looks down, it seems like he doesn't agree with this.

"Can I please have some time to think about this?"

"You have until 3pm tomorrow." They all leave but Brett.

"Hey dude I'm so sorry" Brett says feeling really bad.

"Hey it's not your fault"

"I have an idea" Brett says looking up happily.

"Ok what is it?"

"You and Stiles can date but the team won't suspect anything because when you say 'I'm gonna hang out with me' you'll actually be hanging out time Stiles"

"R u sure because that is a lot of pressure on you"

"I'm sure, this is the least I can do"

"You know you are the best friend anyone can ask for?"

"I know" Brett says sarcastically. We bro hug it out he says. "Go get your man" he says that while laughing and I laugh too.

"Thank you Brett"

I walk out and run to Stiles and grab his hand and walk to the back of the basketball stadium where nobody goes. I push him up again to the wall and kiss him. It was very romantic, Stiles put his hands around my waist and I put on hand on his cheek and one around his neck playing with his hair.

"What did they want?" Stiles asks breaking the kiss. I look down and sigh heavily.

"They said if I'm bi or gay I can't play on the team."

"That is horrible"

"But Brett and I have a plan, we are gonna hide the relationship from them. If that is ok with you?"

"As long as I'm with you I'll do anything." As he says that my inner wolf yells 'MATE' and it sort of scared me.

"Oh and by the way...... Um.... how do I put this... Well your are my mate" as I say that he smiles as wide at he could.

"Is that why your eyes turned green?"

"Not quite...... well, when you. Find your mate my eyes rant meant to change colour. Every once in a long while a werewolf finds his or hers mate, but when that happens his or hers eyes change fluorescent green, that means.......... the human will change into a werewolf."

"So am I gonna turn into a werewolf?"

"Well not if you don't want too"

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"Well if two males become each others mate, that means you can choose to be a werewolf or not"

"Oh........... Well what is it like being a werewolf?"

"Ha, well I find it awesome but it becomes a pain in the butt on full moons, are you actually thinking about becoming a werewolf?"

"Yeah well, when we are ready to do 'it' you don't have to worry about hurting me"

"That would be nice but 'it' would still be great if you didn't turn"

"Yeah but that is not the only thing that would be AWESOME, I would be better at lacrosse, my senses would be heightened, I can go as a werewolf for Halloween without having to dress up, we can go hardcore at working out and making out. See all the awesome things that comes out from being a werewolf" I laugh at him trying to persuade me, and it is working.

"Well we have ages till we have to figure that out so take your time and think about it, until then why don't I do this" I gently caress his cheek and lock our lips together, for a moment my brain shut down, and the pure ecstasy of our shape-shifting mouths swirling and puckering with each delicious smack of escaping air overcame my entire body. The sweat on my brow cooled; the hairs on my skin stood vigilant, waiting to shoot off into space at any moment. His arms squeezed my head against his, his fingers tracing their way through the back of my hair while mine explored his beautiful body.


When I got home after out make out session, I sat on my bed and started crying. I don't know why but I just balling my eyes out. My mum heard and came rushing up the stairs.

"What's wrong sweetie?"

"It's my basketball team, after the game Stiles ran up to me and kissed me, then after that Kyle, Jackson and the rest pulled me off him and they said that I was a faggot and I can't play in the team if I am one" I managed to get out.

"Oh honey come here" I run up to her and hug her "you'll figure it out you alway do, I can't make that decision for you so you'll have to do it yourself but I'm always here for you what ever you decide."

"Thanks mum."


I know it was shorter than usual but it was sort of a fill in. This book will end at about 8-10 chapters so please keep reading. Thank you and please comment on what you think so far.

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