Chapter 34

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I honestly was contemplating on writing this chapter but here we go.
Remember, this chapter is a flashback. i think this chapter is going to suck ass because i don't know how to look for an engagement ring because: 1. im too young
2. why the fuck would i buy a 4,000 dollar ring for fun who does that?
3. still too young.
enjoy. 💙
-i was just trying to be cool, i'm a spark and you're a boom-
-troye sivan-

Chester's POV
(still first person)

As I walked into the cheesy, loud, colorful store, I wanted to leave immediately because there were so many men freaking out for no reason.

Shit there was a reason.

All of the rings were beautiful, and there was one minor problem.

I didn't know Grace's fucking ring size.

(death screaming in the distance)

I couldn't just text her asking what her ring size was, I had told her I was going to the gym, and here I am, buying her a engagement ring.

Maybe I should pick the ring first?

Yeah sure, I'll pick the ring.

I walked up to the bald man with thick black glasses and said, "Hello!"

"Hello." "How can I help you?" The man, which I realized his name was France after looking at his bright, green name tag.

"I'm looking for an engagement ring for my girlfriend, Grace."

"Oh! Yes," "What's her favorite color?"

"Uh, purple."

"Dark rich purple, or more of a pastel color?"


"Now, what's her ring size."


I guessed off of the top of my head.

"Size 8." I answered back.

"I have the perfect one for you!"


France handed me a ring, it was a pastel purple color with 4 diamonds on each corner of the stone.

It was beautiful.

How was I supposed to know that a few weeks later that everything would change?

I wasn't prepared for what was coming.


this is the last flashback chapter.

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