Chapter 20

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As he sat in the quaint library on his last day in Maine, a thought hit him.

What if he hid in the Evergreen Woods? No one would ever stray from the path because they feared they would get lost. But Chester would be the first one, or so he thought.

As he ran through the airport terminal, carefully so that no one recognized him. The moment he got to the plane, he sat next to a couple, Chester's heart thumped loudly. He was sitting there, his heart felt like it was ripping out of his chest. But someone came up to the couple and said, "Hey, I think you might have the wrong seats." Chester's brain was exploding of anxiety.

The moment the plane landed, he waited till everyone was off the plane. He got off and ran again. He ran, faster than he ever had, and never stopped until he reached the woods.

He turned sharp corners of alleyways, and dodged cars. He thought, "I'm the motherfucking fox, no one can stop me." Oh, but how wrong he was. He found himself face first into a pole. Even the big blue bruise on his cheek didn't stop him.


Once he saw the tree tops of the evergreen woods, he skidded to a complete halt. He leaned on a tree and tried to catch his breath. This time, he climbed this very sturdy tree. When he reached to the top, he saw a familar face on another tree in front of him. "Chester?" the girl yelled.

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