Chapter 22

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Chester's POV

"Chester?" The girl yelled. His heart skipped a beat. He was almost at the top of the tree, how could anyone see him?

Chester held on to the tree with a tight grip, and turned his head around, and looked down.

It was Ingrid. He scrambled up the tree faster then he ever had, even if he was tired. He sat in the straight crook of the tree, and caught his breath.

"I'm coming up if you don't come down!" Said a familiar voice. He stayed quiet, but still heard someone scrambling up the tree. He braced him self, and looked down. He saw Hannah and Ingrid climbing up the tree, in workout clothes. What could Chester do? "I can run," "or I could jump to the next tree." Chester thought.

He did none of those things, and stayed put. He looked down once more, and Hannah and Ingrid were getting closer.

Then, Hannah grabbed his leg, and yanked down. Chester hung on to the nearest branch, and never let go.

"Ingrid, go home, and call Grace."

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