Chapter 12

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Chester's POV
This chapter contains language that
You should NEVER use.
As soon as Chester hung up the phone with Grace, Chester got a text from Troye. It read, What the fuck asshole?! One minute I'm talking to Grace, and the next minute she's gone. He just replied, Call me. Chester then picked up the phone, then, a yelling in his ear. "Fucking asshole! I'm here with Tyler, Hannah, and Mamrie. By the way, Mamrie wants to talk to you. Asshole." Chester knew what was coming right then. "Wow, I trusted you, I thought you were 'perfect' for Grace, but I was wrong, I swear, if Grace comes back here with one scratch on her, I am going to kill you." Mamrie says. "Hannah wants to talk." "Chester, you know I don't get mad easily." "But, Grace is gone, which is fucking bad, because she could be dead." "I'm so done. So done." "Grace was always dissing us, but that was only when she was mad." "But I think that fight was the last straw." "I'm going to give the phone to Tyler now." Hannah says. "I am very protective of Grace, she as had her heart broken once before, and she did not handle that well." "Grace is like a sister to me." "But you, you changed, not lovely, but bad, get out of Grace's life, it's over." Tyler said, and hanged up the phone. "Fuck."

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