Chapter 24

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Grace's POV

Grace was gasping for breath in this small van these strangers put her in.

She the tried to reach for her phone in back pocket, but it wasn't there.

Fuck. She thought. She heard a screech and police sirens.

The driver must be speeding. The van stopped, and the police van wailed close to her.

With her head in the bag, she couldn't see anything.

But her hands weren't tied.

Ha, how stupid.

She fumbled for the knob at the back of the van.

That didn't work.

She found her footing and pushed it open with her feet.

"Why are kidnapping a woman in there?!" A voice said.

"You're under arrest, anything you say will be used against you in court." Another voice said.

She was safe.

The next thing she knew, she couldn't breathe.

Grace slumped on the gravel ground.

{at least she's safe??}

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