Chapter 18

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Chester's POV
For the first time in a few weeks, he finally checked out of his hotel, but, of course, he checked into another one.

When he got to the other hotel, he told him self, "What if Grace was in Maine?" He immediately felt a pang of guilt. Did she really love him so much as to go after him?

After trying to call Hannah a few times, he gave up and sat down on the bed. All the memories that he had with Grace flew past his eyes. But the only thing that stuck out was the fight they had before Chester left.

Why did he have to be such a fucktard? Couldn't he have waited until Grace was ready? But no, he had to bring it up when Grace was stressed. It's too late.

He sighed, was Grace still in Maine? If she was, was she looking for him? Or was she in New York? Those questions filled his brain over and over, but then he found his answer, he had to leave, he had to go back, but where, but then it hit him, he could go to New Jersey, Grace would never find him there.

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