Chapter 4

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*Tip, tap. Tip, tap.*


That's all I could hear. The sound of the bottom of my uniform shoes hitting the cold ground. As I watched my dull, black shoes hit the walkway, I thought. Of? Nothing. There was nothing to be thought of. I would occasionally look up from my path and look around. Look at the empty town. I kept checking to see if someone had finally appeared. If someone had finally realized that I was innocent. That I hadn't done anything. However, everytime I looked up at the colorless, cold, empty town surrounded by the golden gate, it seemed to look more and more empty. I walked off of the concrete onto the grass of a nearby park. One of the swings are only hanging on by one chain. It's okay, I only ever need one swing anyways. I sat down on my swing and before I knew it, I began to cry. Not veey manly, I know, but who was around to watch me do it? No one. I buried my face into my hands and began to cry out of frustration, anger, sadness, and loneliness. Someone help me?

Yoona's POV-


I stood there and thought. Not really thinking, more like processing. Wait, why do I need to process anything?! I've only heard one side of the story. I know I haven't known Daniel for a long time or anything, but the way he presents and carries himself just makes me feel that something like this, isn't his doing.

I turned away from the weird guy (yeah, that's what we'll call him) and grabbed Daniel's hand. He looked up, shocked. I can see he obviously didn't think I was still going to be his friend. But after a while of him staring wide-eyed at me, I gave him a soft smile. He looked around for a second, then back at me, and returned the smile.

"I'm not the kind of person to base their judgement on one-sided decisions, or to go with the crowd while leaving others behind. If any of you have a problem with Daniel, then that's okay. No one is loved by everyone. Someone very important to me taught me that... So if you don't like him, keep it to yourself." I told, not just to the weird guy, but to everyone in the library. I saw Daniel smile cutely out of the corner of my eye, and I felt his grip on my hand tighten. I'm not sure why, but holding his hand made my heart feel... light, and fuzzy. I smiled a bit and turned out of the library and headed back to the wooden room, Daniel's hand still in mine. Once we reached the room, our hands still didn;t disconnect. We looked at each other for a while, wondering who was going to let go first. To tell the truth, it wasn't going to be me. I felt safe with him, I just want to stay like this, for a little longer.

Daniel's POV-


I looked at her, and to my content, she looked back at me. Just by her delicate brown eyes looking into mine, I felt filled. Filled with all kinds of emotions. I was happy that she just stood up for me, not even my old teachers would stand up for me. I was afraid of losing her now as well, what if she doesn't really believe me? Or trust me? But none of that mattered right now, because her hand was in mine, and it felt like we took flight. The way she was looking at me, wasn't the warmest, but it looked like she didn't want me to leave either. I only looked at her, I felt our hands together, so I didn't need to look. Jeez, what if my hand starts sweating? Aghhhh, please don't. I wonder if she's going to let go. I really hope sh doesn't. I just want to stay like this, for a little longer...



I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! I only have two days of school left. ^__^ Please read vote somment and fan! Goodbye my lovely bunny wabbits~

<3- BlasianBabe




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