Chapter 15

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The second I put my ear up to the phone, I regret it.

"Where the hell are you? Rehearsal is going to start soon!"

I groan. "I know I'm late, Candice. You don't need to remind me."

There's some background noise from the other line. It sounds like a door shutting. "You were supposed to be here half an hour ago! What's taking you so long?"

I look down at the mocha chocolate chip frappe in my hand.

At least she can't see me.

"I had a caffeine crisis."

"You stopped for coffee? Nina, this is no time to worry about your low blood pressure! Your wedding is tomorrow! Did you hear me? Your wedding is tomorrow. And you're late for the rehearsal!"

I roll my eyes as Candice continues. Just as I'm sipping my drink, my eye catches on him. He's sitting at a table outside the cafe on the corner. His gaze is locked on the book in his hands, reading, whatever it is, intently. He still looks the same. Perfect hair, perfect face, perfect structure. Okay, perfect everything. His foot taps vigorously on the cement ground, proving that some habits never get outgrown.

What am I talking about?

It's not like we've been apart for years. More like a week.

Though, it feels like forever ago since he would wrap his strong arms around my waist and pull me close. Since I would wake up to him next to me, and smile at the simplicity of how his nose twitches when he sleeps. That's all gone now. All the happiness. All the laughter. The love is still there, though. The love, like a drug. It looks so fascinating, so exciting. You see how happy it can make people, so you let it take you over. You allow it to get deep into your body and take hold of the strongest muscle in there: your heart. And when you're a coward, like I am, it strangles and squeezes your insides so you can no longer breathe, or speak, or function.

That's why nobody ever tells you that love hurts when you're a coward. Because, those who loved as cowards can't muster up enough strength to warn the others. So when you hear from happy couples about how in love they are, it's because they aren't cowards. They didn't run away when the going got tough, or when their lover tried to push them away for the better. No, they stood their ground. They found their voice.

Lately, I've been wondering if cowards ever can find their voice. If second chances really do exist. Clearly they do, because here I am, standing ten feet from the love of my life. I take a deep breath and walk over to him.

"Nina! Are you even listening to me? What is-"

I look at my phone to see Candice is still on the line. "Something came up. I'll be there when I can."

"What? What do you-"

I hang up on her and shove my phone back into my purse. As I get to the table where he sits, I stand there for a second, hoping he notices me so I won't have to startle him.

Unfortunately, he doesn't notice at all.


His gaze slowly leaves the book and lands on my face. The edges of his mouth twitch as if he's trying to decide whether to smile or keep a straight face.


Not, hey, stranger.

Has he forgotten about everything?

The looks we preserved only for each other? The flirty innuendoes we tried to sneak into every conversation, no matter how serious either of us were?

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