Chapter 13

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Four minutes and fifty-nine seconds.

I get out of my car and start to walk, okay, run, to my trailer. I slow down when I get to an area on set where everyone's still working hard. The last thing I need is for somebody to stop me and ask where I'm going in such a hurry.

Four minutes and thirteen seconds.

That's just enough time for me to get ready for the party, before I indulge in some heavenly Paul Wesley.

I'll just run into my trailer, change my clothes, put on some makeup to hide the too-noticeable-for-comfort bags underneath my eyes, and grab a different purse.

I can do that in under five minutes.

Can't I?

Of course I can. And if I can't, I will gladly skip makeup for some extra time with Paul.

I open the door to my trailer just as the timer on my phone ticks down to three minutes and forty-six seconds. I rush in the open door and drop my bag on the floor next to the couch. Just as I'm turning to close the door, my eye stops on the little black dress sprawled across the couch. My jaw drops. I pick it up by the clear plastic straps.

Great. So it's strapless, too.

A shoe box is sitting next to it. I reluctantly take off the lid and look inside to find a pair of Christian Louboutin stilettos.

I'm so going to kill her.

"Like what you see?" I jump at her voice.

Speak of the devil.

Wait, I thought I closed that door?

"What the hell is this for?" I hold up the dress and shoes.

She looks at me like I inhaled too much water shooting the underwater scene. "It's for the party, duh."

I roll my eyes. "I know that, Candice. What I mean is..couldn't you pick out something a little less, um.." I look up to her disapproving face. "Scandalous?"

She snorts.

"What?" I put the clothes down on the couch and cross my arms over my chest.

"Nothing. Never mind." She raises her hands in defeat. I raise an eyebrow. "Seriously, it's nothing."

I nod, slip off my current shoes, and unbutton my jacket. I pick up the dress and hold it over my body.

"So.." Candice lets out a sigh. "Have you talked to Ian yet?"

I look at her through the mirror. "No, I haven't. I've been trying to think of what to say." She nods at me to continue. "The last thing I want to do is hurt him."

"Well, I think no matter what you say, it'll crush him. He and Paul have really bonded. And you-" She pauses. "Well, you know how much he loves you."

I turn to her. "You're not helping at all."

I feel them coming.

The tears.

I can feel them threatening to spill over due to the lump of guilt and worry stuck in my throat.

"Oh, no, no, no, no..don't-" She pulls me into a hug. "I didn't mean to make you feel bad! I just..I want you to know you're going to have to hurt someone."

I return the hug and rest my chin on her shoulder. "I know. I know that I can't please everyone. And you didn't make me feel bad," I laugh. "I've felt guilty about this whole thing ever since I forced him to-"

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