Chapter 15

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Grant looked at her. After her 'confession' of sorts, he was really confused. There was no way she shared her memories. But he had seen things that obviously weren't coming from him. The details were proof enough. And then, the whole red tears thing. And THEN there was her story... He felt chills run up his spine. Despite the impossibility of it, his insides told him everything the woman next to him had said was true.

After he had told her he wanted to stay around her, they had put in a movie. Now Serenity was looking at the screen, but she didn't seem very interested. He turned back to it. Brad from Rocky Horror Picture Show was proposing to Janet.

Serenity looked at Grant. He should be freaking out after what she told him. Unable to sit here quietly with her, yet there he was, right by her side. She sighed, then turned toward the screen again.

He had vaguely been watching when Serenity started talking to him. "Do you have any questions for me?" She seemed nervous, though her eyes didn't leave the screen.

Grant looked at her. "Yes, a lot actually."

She turned her head away from the screen and her sapphire blue eyes found his hazel ones. "Like what?"

"How did you show me those things?"

Serenity sighed, about to delve into the details of her life and her kind. "All pure bloods have special powers that grow, and become more powerful over time. I am a pure blood."

"Does that put you in a position higher up than the others?"

"Absolutely." Her voice was steely, like he had offended her.

"Is James one of you?"

"James is my third in command, so he has more powers than the regular vampires." She smiled at the modern word. "He isn't a pure blood if that's what you're asking."

Grant nodded thinking about his next questions carefully. "Do you have any more powers?" 

Serenity smiled at him. "Yes. A lot." Her eyes raked over him. "Do you want to see?"

"Maybe later." he mumbled, causing her bell-like voice to fill the room. Deciding to continue with his questions he asked, "How many are left?"

"Pure bloods?" 

Grant nodded.

"You're looking at her. As for vampires," she pondered for a minute. "There are five more covens besides mine."

Now he knew his next series of questions would be hard for her to answer. "How do you feel about me?"

Her chest constricted painfully. "I care for you, a lot. But, I'm afraid I'll end up hurting you like I did to McDaland." 

He instantly tensed, remembering the gruesome sight. Then Grant nodded. "Serenity?"

"Hmm?" Her eyes had drifted to the screen.

"Would you ever do anything sexual with me?" He blushed at what he had just asked, but he was curious.

Serenity's eyes found his and widened. "I'v'e never had intercourse with a human... I'm afraid I'll hurt you." She saw his expression. It was kind of sad, but also understanding. Right as he opened his mouth she inturupted. "I'll try. You know... for you."

Grant looked at Serenity. It was so sweet that would try for him. And he wanted her so bad right now. Not just sexually, but he wanted Serenity like he wanted air to breathe. She was safety and danger, passionate and cool.

She disrupted his thougths when she asked in a whisper, "What do you want me to do?"

"You mean right now?" She blushed and nodded her head.

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