It's a Love-Hate Relationship *10*

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*~* Dazy's P.O.V. *~*

I grin as I set the phone down. "KYLE WE'RE GOING TO OCTOBERS HOUSE! AMAYA JUST MOVED IN!" I shout. I run up to our room and change into a pair of skinnies and flats, plus a tank top and one of Kyle's button ups that I left unbuttoned, and pulled the sleeves up. I kiss him on the cheek as I pass him in the bathroom where he was brushing his teeth, and finished doing my hair and make up.

I put my phone in my back pocket along with my wallet and grab my keys, which I throw to Kyle as he ran down the stairs and I finish dressing the girls. I picked them up and bring them to my car, and we head to Octobers house. About four cars are in the driveway. I roll my eyes and carry Sarah on my hip as Kyle carried Sami. I rang the doorbell and I was shocked at who opened the door. I nearly dropped Sarah. "OCCY!" I scream launching her into a hug.

"Hey," she says smirking.

I glare. "We will talk later, right now you watch your niece." I growl, putting Sarah in her open arms I walk in and notice everyone was cleaning up the living room. "Where's Amaya?"

"IN HERE!" she shouts from the kitchen.

I laugh and take off my flats then walk into the kitchen. I hug her tightly. "God I missed you." I tell her.

"Missed you too."

"Where's my hug from my other sister?"

I grin and turn, then tackle Jayden in a hug. "JAYDEN! I MISSED YOU!" I shout. I hug him tightly and he chuckles. "I am so going to kick your ass for kidnapping my sister and leaving me with three kids later." I whisper angrily in his ear.

"Okay!" he tells me.

I smirk then get up and laugh as I see October holding Sarah awkwardly. I walk over to them and help her settle her onto the hip hold. Sarah giggled every time October tried to set her down, and pulled her hair.

We were all having fun when I said it was nearing the girls bed time. "Aww come one, please. a few more hours."

"If I let them stay up me and Kyle won't get any sleep for the next few days, they'll stay up for three days straight." I whine.

"Then let them go to sleep with 'Maya."

I grin evilly. "Only if Amaya likes changing diapers at six in the morning." I say in a sing song voice. I look at Amaya and her face was all screwed up.

"But I have to get ready at six." she whines.

"But school doesn't start till eight." I tell her. I then lean into Kyle as she nods.

"See, that's a good lassie." Jayden says in a fake Scottish voice. Everyone erupted into a fit of laughter till she slapped him, making us go quiet till we laughed again.

"Its nice being with my family again." I say as tears hit my eyes. I blink them away. "I missed you a lot October, but you can't do that, you need to get a job. You need to support Amaya and Valentine." I say softly.

She nods. "I know that."

"You know there's an opening at the station." I tell her grinning. "In the morgue, the guy that works there now is nearing retirement, and you'd be good with dead bodies." I say shrugging.

She shivered from disgust. "No thank you." she tells me. "How much do they pay?"

"If you go to four years of medical school or are in medical school and won't drop out, they'll pay you 16 an hour." I say.

"How do you know that?"

"The mortician and I share a lot of details about evidence and stuff, he's like a dad in a way, or a friend. He acts like dad used too," I say softly. "Anyway, he needs a helper, his sight isn't as sharp and he misses important data."

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