~chapter nine breathe in~

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Chapter nine. Breathe in

We arrived at the apartment at nine o'clock and I stopped Monroe before he opened the door.

"Mmm?" He gave me a confused look.

"I just wanted to say thank you for today. It really helped things get off my mind for a while." I quickly placed a kiss on his cheek and opened up the door before he can say anything.

Patrick was laying on the couch with a beer in hand. He hadn't looked like he's shaved in days and gave me a glare when I walk in.

This wasn't the Patrick I know and love. Something was wrong.

"Hey Pat,". Monroe set his keys down then got an eyeful of how Patrick looked, "is something wrong?"

"Can I speak to Olivia for a moment...alone." I shared a look with Monroe.

"It's okay Monroe." He gave me a small nod and headed towards his bedroom.

I placed my crutches on island and took a seat on a bar stool.

"What's up?" I tried to act casual but there was no doubt that there was tension in the room.

He rounded the island that was the opposite side of me and set his beer down. Patrick leaned against the island and I could smell the liquor on his breathe from here.

"What do you think is up?" I shook my head and am about to say something but he cut me off with," I'll tell you what's up. Megan broke up with me."

"Why?" I choke out.

I didn't feel in danger it's just that I hadn't seen Patrick in this state of mind before. I felt like I'm the reason they broke up and in some way I knew I was.

"I told her that we kissed." He through his hands up in the air. "I couldn't hold it in any longer. I felt so guilty for betraying her."

"I'm sorry, Patrick." I didn't know what to say to him. There's was no excuse.

"It's really my fault anyway for being in love with you." He completely blurted out as if he was announcing the weather.

I'm rendered speechless. My mouth hung open as wide as it would let me. My eyes probably were the same way as well.

"But hey, anyways we might loose the apartment because the bills are starting to pile up and my father is hounding me about going to college, but my feelings are the last things that really matter at the moment." He took another sip of his drink.

I stand up and made my way to Patrick. I tried to grab ahold of his hand but he pulled away.

"Please don't. This is the problem with you!"

"What?" I asked hurt.

"Your too nice, too good. I fall so easily for that crap." He walks over to the fridge and lightly kicked it. "I don't know if its your innocence or helplessness that gets to me but it does."

"Don't be mean, now Patrick." I quietly beg and I went for the beer on the counter but he got there before me.

"I'm not finished!" He growls.

I'm too tired to deal with his pity party right now.

"No Patrick, you need to go to bed! Well discuss this in the morning." I ripped it from his hands and dumped it down the sink. "You're not yourself."

"That's the thing! I don't want to be myself. I don't want to be the responsible one! I want to go out on the town, get laid whenever wherever! I want to get in a bar fight and have massive hangovers the next day because that's the life that's careless."

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