Baby its Cold Outside

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I really can't stay
But baby it's cold outside

During the holidays, you spent lots of time with Finn. When it got late and you had to leave, Finn would always convince you to stay with stupid excuses. For example, the weather. He would always say that I was too cold and that you needed to snuggle with him instead


Maybe just a half a drink more
Put some records on while I pour

During the holiday season, you and Puck drank a lot. Once you thought you hit your limit, he would convince you to have some more. You also danced the night away listening to classic holiday hits


I ought to say no no no
Mind if I move in closer

As you can see, Sam's a curdler. You spent those long winter nights snuggled close to the fire. Once you started to leave, his arms pulled you back in.


At least there will be plenty
If you caught pneumonia and died

Blaine was always worried about getting sick. It didn't mind if it was him, your, or some random guy down the street. So when I came y'alls parting, and he wanted you to stay he always convinced you to stay by saying that it was dangerous outside. "You could get pneumonia!" He would say, "You could die or worse!"


At least I'm gonna say that I tried
What's the sense of hurting my pride?

After you gave up on the idea of leaving. Being the sweetie he is, he would convince you that it was okay. But eventually he would tell you to leave because he didn't want you to get in trouble.


My sister will be suspicious
Gosh your lips look delicious

Jake's way of convincing you to stay was complementing you. He would flirt with you and complement how wonderful you looked and he didn't want the ugly weather to ruin such a pretty face.


But don't you see
How can you do this thing to me

Rory is always dramatic when you leave. He would get on his knees and literally beg for you not to leave. His Irish luck always worked because you stayed.


I really can't stay
Get over that old doubt

Being the bad boy the ol' Sebby is, he would be harsh when you had to leave. He would say things like, "Come on! It's not a big deal! Aren't you rebellious?" .He guilts you into to staying with him, and most of the time it works.

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