How He Proposes

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Finn- You guys have been dating for 3 years. You were both were inspired to be teachers. One day, you went back to the apartment you shared with Finn. It was around 6 six o'clock. When you open the door, and you see him standing in front of you wearing a suit and holding a bouquet of red roses. He holds out his hand and says,"May I lead you to your seat my lady?" in a phony British accent,"Of course kind sir!" You say playing along. He leads you into the dinner room where a fancy dinner was displayed. You sit down and eat. When you finish eating Finn stands up and says,"Ms. Y/N I love you from the bottom of my heart and I always will. I prepared this amazing night for the two of us so I can ask you something." He gets down on one knee,"Y/N will you do me the honor to become Mrs. Finn Hudson?" You tear up and choke out,"Yes." He smiles and hugs you tightly. "I love you so much!" he whisper in your ear.

Puck- (Your POV)
Five minutes. Four minutes. Four minutes until he gets back. Puck had been serving in the Air Force for the past two years. He is four minutes away from me. The letters and the skyping were never enough. It was now five o'clock he's going to be with me in a few seconds. He walks through the gate and sees me and smiles. He immediately runs to me and picks me up and hugs me tightly. You begin to cry," I missed you so much." He says ,"I did too." I choke out. "Before we leave, there is something I need to do." He says get down on one knee."These two years apart were the toughest years that I have had to face. I don't want to spend another day without you. Y/N will you marry me?" "Yes!" I scream

Sam- You guys moved up to New York together after graduation, but that was 5 years ago. You work as waitress at the local bar, and he was a model. It was your fifth year anniversary and you guys went out for dinner at a fancy restaurant."There is something we need to talk about." That sent you into panic mode. You panicked and began to cry."Why are you crying. I'm not breaking up with you." He said,"I was want to ask you something." He stands up and says,"I love you so much. I can't even express how much I care for you. I thought about it and I thought it was time. Y/n will you marry me?" He says stashing on one knee,"Yes!" You say,"A million times yes!"

Blaine- It was a chilly night in New York City. You guys were bored so you went ice skating. You laughed and danced around, having fun. The rink was close to closing time, and you were still dancing around. The rink was practically empty, except for a few midnight skaters. He dragged you around the rink a couple times and stopped you on the middle. He gets on one knee and pulls out a small box and you say,"Is it what I think it is?" He smiles,"Yes before you say anything I want to say something. I am in love with you. I am in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasures of saying true things. I'm in love with you, and I know love is just a shout into the void, and oblivion is inevitable and that we are all doomed and there will come a day when all of our labor will be returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we have, and I love you." He chokes out tears welling up in his eyes,"I just got that from a book, because I can't put into words my feelings for you. Y/n will you marry me?" "That was beautiful Blaine. Yes I will marry you." He picks you up and spins you around. "I love you Y/n." "I love you too."

Ryder- You guys have been dating for 8 years. On your eighth anniversary, he texted you saying he had something special planned. At 8 o'clock he picked you up and took you to the mysterious destination. He took you to the park, where a picnic blanket was set up. You guys talked for hours, towards the end of the night. He finally asked you,"Hey Y/n?" He says,"Yeah?" You ask,"You know I love you right?" "Of course. I love you too." "Well there is something I was meaning to ask you." He says,"Ask away" you reply. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you and only you." He says getting on one knee,"Y/n, will you marry me?" He said and pulled out a ring. "Yes Ryder. I will marry you!"

Jake- He took you to Paris for vacation. You absolutely loved it there. You loved the sights, the sounds, especially the food. On the last evening of your vacation you guys spent the evening walking around the Eiffel Tower. "I'm really going to miss this place." You sigh,"Me too Y/n, but I promise you we'll come back eventually." Your phone rang. It was your mom. You turn away from Jake to answer it. "Hello?" You say,"Hey sweetie, I don't have long to talk, but I suggest you turn around." Then she hangs up. When you turn around you see Jake on one knee, holding a beautiful ring. "I want to come back here, but I want to come back here with some else." He says. "Who?" You ask,"My wife. Y/n will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" You begin to cry tears of joy."Yes! Yes! Yes!" You shout, he stands up and puts thing ring on your finger. "Now let's go back to the hotel my fiancé." He says taking your arm.

Rory- You decided to move to Ireland and go to college there so you could be with Rory. You guys have been together   5 years. He took you to Dublin for the day to see the sights. On the last stop of your romantic journey, he took you to you to Phoenix Park. You sat down on the bench,"Man my feet are tired from walking all day!" You say as he sits down next to you,"Mine too!" He says smiling,"But it's been lots of fun!" You say, "Yeah." He says "I'd agree with that. Hey Y/n?" "Yes Rory?" You reply,"Can we talk about something?" He asks,"Sure" you say."Well, having you in Ireland has made my life 10 times better. I love you so much, and I want time to stop so we could be in this moment forever. Y/n you you do me the honor in becoming Mrs. Rory Flanagian?" He asks on one knee holding a ring."Yes!" You yell.

Sebastian- You both went to New York after high school. You were a singing waitress at a restaurant. He was starting a show on Broadway. One day you get a text saying that you need to meet him in Central Park at 8 o'clock.

Eight o'clock rolled around so you left your apartment and headed down tithe park. You wander around the park until you see Sebastian standing across from you holding a guitar. He begins to play "Mary Me" by Train. When the song is finished he put down the guitar and got on one knee. "Y/n. You have seen the best of me? And sadly the worst of me. This relationship is built on trust, which I don't have a lot of. Then you come around and change my life for the better. I really need you Y/n so will you do me the honor in marrying me?" He asks,"Yes! I love you so much Sebastian!" You say hugging him,"I love you too." He says

Hey everyone this one took forever to write. So thank you for waiting.

Glee Preferences and Imagines Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora