A Very Glee Thanksgiving Part 3

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So after the whole fire incident, everyone gets to work. You cooked potatoes and vegetables. Everything was going well

People started to showing up at your house. Kurt, Blaine, Santana, and Mercedes showed up first. Then Tina, Mike, and Sam were next. Finn was last. Well second to last. Everyone was settled.

The turkey was still cooking, but everything else was set up. Your were having a lovely conversation with Brittany and Santana when there was a knock at the door.

You rushed to open it, but Blaine beat you to it. There in the doorway was standing Sebastian Smythe. "Hello Blaine." He said cheerfully.

"What are you doing here." Blaine gritted through his teeth.

Sebastian walks in and looks at everyone then at Blaine, "Oh your friend (Y/N) invited me! Isn't she just the sweetest thing?" He replies

The room was frozen. "Well" you said, filling the awkward silence, "Why don't we eat."

Everyone headed towards the dining room and sat down. Of course nobody would sit next to Sebastian, so you did.

You guys said grace and began to eat. Then you smelt something burning. "Brittany?" You ask, "Did you get the turkey out of the oven? I think it's burning."

She rushes up to get the large bird out the hot oven. When she does, she doesn't put on oven mitts and grabs it with bare hands. Brittany suddenly realizes what she has done and throws the turkey across the room.

Causing it to fall on the table, and land on the mashed potatoes. The potatoes splat everywhere including all over Sebastian.

"Let's go Breadstix!" Puck calls out, and everyone rushes out the door to enjoy a very glee thanksgiving at Breadstix.

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