Chapter 8: Humilation can't even keep up with me

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Two days flew by really fast, and today was the day I would be joining track and field.

I eased up slightly about the whole situation, as Peb and Hunter both have already joined the team.

I thought not many people actually watched as they trained, but I was wrong. A group around 40 girls all sat on the stone chairs.

Cheering for Hunter.

As I made my way up the stairs to try and find a good place to sit, they all began to whisper. Looking at me, laughing.

Maybe it was also due to the fact, I was forced to wear the track and field top and sweatpants. Or they just saw me as an outcast.

I found a seat, two rows away from everyone else. I hung onto my coat, it was pretty cold.

The coach had told me they had a race coming up in around two months, and were working hard to become better and better.

As the boys and girls started stretching, a majority of the girls in the audience put up banners. The paper was thin, and i'm pretty sure it said 'Hunter your sexiness will make you win'. I sighed at there attempt to catch Hunters eye, however he was focused on his stretches.

Peb and him were side by side, the first stretch they did was for I think their hamstring they lay on their back with their legs extended and their back straight.

Then bending their right knee towards their chest, keeping their left leg extended on the floor. Slowly they began to straighten their right knee, grabbing the back of their leg with both hands.

The look on their faces showed they took their work out seriously. As My eyes were on Hunter as he performed different stretches, I couldn't help but notice, how much sexier he looked in sweat pants and a top. I had to restrain myself from biting my lip.

Peb didn't look to bad either, he looked like a true professional as he performed the stretches.

After 10 minutes the coach told the whole bunch of them to split into 3 strings. They all seemed to know what he meant as they smoothly moved into smaller groups.

They began taking off their sweatpants revealing much tighter shorts. The screams of the girls made my ears ring, they were most likely drooling at this point. Seeing the muscular legs Hunter had.

Peb actually had muscles, I was surprised. They were even more muscular then Hunters. I was pretty shocked I had never noticed that before.

"String A, you're first," coach told them. Peb and Hunter were in that string they lined up, they did small talk between one another. But both their eyes focused on the finishing goal. "Take your marks," coach said, string A listened, as they got in there crouched positions, just as those in the Olympics do. "Get set," coach now held the running gun towards the clouds. Then a loud bang, which made me jump, the runners moved quickly, they all put in their energy as their teeth clenched.

The girls screamed frantically for Hunter to win. He was so fast, his arms showed power his legs showed urgency. He wanted to win, and he was by taking the lead

Yet, Peb coming out of nowhere overtaking Hunter leaving a few inches of gap between them. His strides becoming bigger and faster. He pulled away from everyone else and won.

I couldn't help but feel a little relief that Peb won, but I did feel a bit sorry for Hunter. As Hunter and Peb gasped for air, both their hands on their legs. Peb comforted him, by patting his back.

"Clear the track boys," coach called. "Sienna come down here," coach instructed. Maybe he wanted me to clean something, just as long as it's not exercise.

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