Bury Me In Black (7)

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Bury Me in Black (7)

Mikey slumped down on the chair, glaring at the nurse that stood beside my bed. My dad had left to go get some clothes for my stay here, in the hospital. The nurse wrote down some numbers onto a brown clipboard and looked down at me. She was quiet old, her hair was grey, short and curly, and she wore a blue top and trousers and was quiet small. 

She walked over to the heart monitor, "Well, I'll come and check on you in an hour." She nodded walking out of the room and shutting the door. 

Mikey's eye's moved over to me. He sat up, pushing his glasses further up his nose. He looked upset, I knew he was upset with the hospital for keeping me here; I was too. I couldn't do anything about it though, I was stuck here until I (a either rot away and 'fall asleep' (b get lucky and survive lung cancer. 

Mikey scratched his nose, "It's your birthday soon." He smiled.

I guess after all this bad news and crap, I forgot about my birthday. I was turning 19 this year, in 5 day actually. April the 9th, I wasn't that scared about turning 19 at least at my funeral they could say, He lived 'til 19.

I smiled, nodding. "Yeah, turning 19." 

Mikey pulled the chair closer, resting his chin on the palm of his hands. His skin seemed more tanned, it was probably just the lighting. Mikey didn't usually go outside, like me. He'd stay inside, watching horror films, read comics, listen to music, a lot like me. 

"Have you thought about what you want?" He asked. 

I laughed at that, I understood he was just trying to lighten the mood. I shook my head, looking up at him.

"I don't think I should really be asking for anything, Mikes'." I admitted.

Mikey rolled his eyes, folding his arms and leaned back in his chair. He sighed, looking at me. I sat up and folded my arms like him.

"Why? It's your birthday and I want to get you something!" Mikey huffed in a childish tone.

I rolled my eye's, thinking of something I'd want. To be honest, I really didn't want anything. I didn't need thing apart from a cure for Cancer but other than that, I didn't want anything. Just come up with something, I thought. 

I thought of any new comics that were coming out but nothing, so I said the next first thing that came to mind. "Drawing set?" 

Mikey smiled, at least that was something he could get me. I broke my last one, after Frank came 'round to my house after school once. I pushed me playfully, I did the same but I little too hard which made him fly into my drawing table; he collided into the table and broke the drawing set. I wasn't really angry with him, it was more my fault; I guess.

"Okay!" He smiled his voice cheerful; the happiest I'd heard it in days. 

The door swung open, my eyes shot up. My dad stood there holding a bunch of bags, he put them down against the wall and straighten his top and looked down at me. 

He sighed, "Well, all the stuff you will need is here..." 

I nodded smiling; me and my dad didn't have the closest relationship ever since I became a teenager. He complained I wasn't a 'regular' teenage boy that I should be out playing football instead of drawing. 

"Thanks," I thanked him looking back over to Mikey.

"I'm just going to go get some coffee, you guys want anything?" He asked opening the door slightly.

I looked back up at him, "I'm fine, thanks."

"Same," Mikey said. 

He nodded walking out of the room and shut the door as well. I sighed, slumping back into my bed resting my head on the pillow. I heard Mikey sigh too, I looked over at him.

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