Bury Me In Black (12)

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Bury Me in Black (12)

I looked down my arm, hoping to see some bruises or a few scratches to prove I wasn't mad, but they were all gone. I let my arm drop and looked up at Mikey; he stared at me wide eyed. Great, he thought I was insane.

"Gerard, it was probably just a dream."

I shook my head, "I would have known if it was! Mikey, please believe me. I hear voices!"

After a few seconds of silence, I realised how insane that sounded. Mikey just look at me, probably not knowing what to say. I don't blame him, I sighed looking down at the blanket. What had I become, I was just slowly rotting away in a hospital while loosing my mind; I wouldn't be surprised if I landed up in a metal hospital. 

"Mikes'?" I asked, looking up. 

He nodded, "Yeah?"

"Do you think I'm insane?" I asked.

I wouldn't be surprised if he said yes, I wouldn't blame him either. I hadn't heard anything since last night, was it really just a dream? No, it couldn't have been. It was real, I know it was but then where are the bruises? Where the scratches? The blood? Why aren't I dead?

He laughed a little, shaking his head. "No, I don't think you're insane."

I felt a little relieved; Mikey was an understandable type person. He wasn't really the type to judge, that one of the many reasons I was happy to say he was my brother.

"Why though? I just told you I hear voices..."

He shrugged, "Because I believe you."

My eyes widen, "You hear them too?"

He shook his head, "No but sort of same thing happen to me as it did in your dream, or what happen last night."

Ah, Mikey's night terrors. I remember them, he'd wake up screaming. I'd usually run up to check if he was okay, then we'd share a bed. It stopped a few months ago, which was good.

"You were killed?" I asked.

He nodded, "Sort of."

I looked down, pulling the blanket further up my arms.

"Gee?" He asked.

I looked up; he had a faint smile on his face.


"Things will get better, I promise."

It wasn't the first time I'd heard that.

Mikey's POV: 

I smiled, holding Alicia's hand. I liked her, a lot. She was sweet, beautiful and caring; I'd never actually had a girlfriend before, it was weird but nice. I was leaving the hospital today, I'd already said goodbye to Gerard, I promised him I'd come visit him everyday.

"So were do you want to go?" Alicia asked as we both climbed into her car.

I shrugged, I wanted to go home really but I didn't want to her to think I was boring or something.

"We could go for a meal, or something." I smiled.

She titled her head slightly, "You look very tried Mikes'."

"I'm fine really." I smiled.

"We could go out later to night; I'll take you home first." She smiled starting the car.

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