Bury Me In Black (13)

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Bury Me in Black (13)

Mikey's POV;

I hung my jacket up by the front door, walking into the kitchen seeing my Dad and LynZ sitting down quietly across from each other. Dad slowly turned his head as I walked through the door, my stomach twisting as he did. He put his hand on the chair, pushing it slowly for me to sit down. I knew what this was about; Gerard. My Dad's eyes were blood shot, as were LynZ's. I sighed, grabbing the chair and sat down. 

I looked up at my Dad, feeling a lump grow in my throat. "Is he dead?" I asked biting on my tongue as I did.

My Dad shook his head, I felt a cloud been lifted off my shoulders but I still knew there was something wrong. I was scared to ask but I knew it wasn't long until my Dad told me.

He open his mouth slowly, "Gerard isn't getting any better, him staying in the hospital seems to be driving him insane and the doctors can't seem to cure him so we decided were just going to let him," My Dad didn't say it, he didn't want to nor did I want to hear it.

I felt anger rush through my body; I shook my head in refuse to believe what my Dad said. "That's not your decision!" I yelled. 

He shook his head; you could see the tears building up in his eyes. "But it is though."

I stood up, still shaking my head. "No it's not! It's Gerard’s! And if he doesn't want to die then they'll keep trying, they have too!" I screamed.

By now, tears poured down my face; covering my cheeks. My Dad held onto my arm, sitting me down. He looked up at me, tears marking his cheeks. 

"Gerard said he wants too." 

I felt my stomach twist, my mind explode. I shook my head, wiping my tears with the end of my sleeve. I wasn't going to let myself believe Gerard would say that, it's not like him.

"No, that's not like Gerard. He wouldn't say anything ever like that." 

"It's true though, he said it." LynZ admitted.

That was the first thing she'd said since I came, I looked over at her. Tears slipped from her eyes, I shook my head standing up again. 

"No, that's not Gerard." I walked out of the kitchen grabbing my jacket.

I was going too see Gerard if it was true but this time I would call a taxi or something instead of walking. I put my jacket on and searched through the pockets of other jackets, I managed to get eight dollars which should be enough; I'd pay my parents back as soon as I got a job. 

I sat next to Gerard, he was sleeping. I arrived about an hour ago, waiting for him to wake up; the nurse said I would have to leave soon. I wanted to wake him but I knew that wouldn't be right, so I waited. My phone was full of miss calls and text messages from my Dad wanting to know were I was but I'm sure he could take a guess. I heard a loud scream coming from next to me, I turn seeing Gerard screaming, his body shaking violently and tears slipping from his eyes. I stood up, shaking him trying to wake him up. His eye's shot open, I sighed with relief seeing him. 

"Mikey!" He screamed throwing his arms around me.

I smiled, throwing my arms around his neck. He hugged me tightly, I heard him sobbing; I felt my shoulder becoming wet. I pulled away seeing his cheeks were covered with tears.

"What's wrong?" I asked, "Was it your dream?" 

He shook his head, for once it was his dream. I sat back down, pulling my chair closer to his bed. He looked down, wiping his tears away with the back of his hand. 

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