Chapter 11- Kiss Him or Kick Him

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"Mrs. Garner!"  Shouted a stern voice.

"Wha-oh. Yeah?" I said once I regained my focus.

"Do you want to share with the class the reason you decided to not pay attention to my lesson?" My English teacher said.

"No, Mrs. Collins."

I guess I was too deep into thought to see what the lesson even was.

"Then I strongly suggest you keep your eyes up here and pay attention Mrs. Garner," Mrs. Collins ordered.

I can't focus, I'm zoning out, I don't know what the hell is even happening, and all in all, I'm just completely out of it.

And who's to blame?

Why that would be the notorious bad boy, Nathaniel Dixon.

I really hate that my mind is all stuck on him.

I've always disliked girls who are so clingy that the second they like somebody, they start constantly thinking about them and planning their wedding.

Not that I'm planning any weddings now, but that damned boy won't leave my mind.

Why would he just ignore me?

Did he not like staying the night with me?

Did he find somebody else?

Questions bombarded their way into my brain, and they wouldn't leave until I had answers.


After school ended, Laney came to pick me up so we could hang out at her house.

Seeing her approaching car, I got in and slammed the door.

"Are you in a mood? Or are you on your period? Because in that case I might need you to climb your cranky ass out the car," she said jokingly.

I just shook my head and chuckled.

"Nah I'm just- well it's not, I don't know yet."

"Okay none of what you just said made sense so you're gonna have to elaborate on that one," she said.

"I wanna go to the race tonight."

Her eyes widened and she stared at me in shock.

"I can't believe you're voluntarily going to do something fun without me having to yell at you," she said surprised.

Rolling my eyes I looked over at her.

"Yeah well I do have some ulterior motives."

"To get laid?" Laney sarcastically muttered.
I reached over and smacked her beside the head.

"Ow! What was that for?" she shrieked.

"For being an idiot."

"Ok Mrs.Grumpy-pants, why are we really going to the race tonight?" Laney asked suspiciously.

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