Chapter 1- First Encounters

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Ok, so this is Cameron Garner. She's the main girl in this story. Here's the very beginning of it, hope you like it!

"Ughhhhhhhhhh." Basically the start of every single school day. Especially Monday. Which would be today, sadly.

I slowly dragged myself out of bed and into the shower, where I spend the majority of my morning. I blow dried and curled the ends of my normally frizzy dirty blonde hair. Shoving on a red checkered flannel, dark blue skinny jeans, and combat boots, I quickly made my way down stairs.

But, of course, I just had to trip. Groaning, I grabbed the back of my head where I landed and tied my shoe CORRECTLY this time. Looking at the clock I realized it was 8:00 and my school starts in 30 minutes, so I still had time considering school is literally 5 minutes away walking distance.

Before you ask, no I don't have any siblings and I'm living with my Aunt Carmen and my Uncle Joe. Where are my parents? Well, I'll go into that story another time. My Aunt and Uncle are never really here because they are usually on business trips. I don't really mind though, it's pretty cool having the house to myself. Grabbing a banana, I walked out the door locking it behind me.

Yay! Time for another day of learning and spending time with all my wonderful school mates (note the sarcasm). As I approached my locker I saw my best friend, Laney Rhodes, standing there waiting for me.

"Hey Cam," Laney chirped as I unlocked my locker. Laney is actually a really pretty girl. She's really nice and all, but she can be a HUGE pain in the boo-Tay when she wants to be. But, it's kinda hard not to love her.

"Hey Laney." Shutting my locker I glanced down at my schedule to see that I first had math. Internally crying. That's what math does to me.

"So, there's another race tonight. You in?" She said.
" C'mon Laney you know how I don't like those things."
"I know, I'm sorry I just thought that if I asked- ugh never mind, I'm sorry I really shouldn't have asked I'm just-"
"Laney! It's ok, it's cool." I instantly felt bad. I hate being the one to stop her from going, but I just don't think I'm ready quite yet.
She gave me a genuine smile in return and stalked off to class as the bell rang.

Off to the terrible, un-needed, depressing, complicated, frustrating,- oh wait I meant math.
After the last bell rang signaling the end of the day, I all but flew out of my seat in hopes to get out of there. I go to a really cliche high school called WestBrook High, and the people here just make me want to- ok never mind. Nice thoughts.

After sending Laney a text saying I'd call her later, I started walking home to school. It started raining and memories I tried so hard to forget came flooding back into my head.

Silence was all I could hear. I couldn't think straight and I couldn't form any words to speak. Everything around me instantly faded as I was told the terrible news.

"I'm so terribly sorry. Both the driver and the passenger didn't make it. I'll keep you in my prayers, but just know it'll get better," the Doctor said.

It'll get better.

I don't see how that's possible. I didn't even notice I was crying until I tasted a salty tear. That's when I looked up and saw my Grandma holding me and my Grandpa rubbing soothing circles on her back.

I don't know what else to do in this moment so I just sit there and think.

I don't even know what to feel. I mean it's not everyday a 12 year old girl loses her parents in a car crash. All just because of a drunk driver, and some rain.
I realized I had made my way to the park instead of my house. Huh. Might as well just stay here. As I sat down on the deserted swing set, I heard a faint cry coming from somewhere. I walked towards the sound and saw a cute little brunette girl with pig-tails on the ground holding her bloody knee.
"Oh my goodness!" I yelled as I came towards her.
"Sweety are you ok? What happened?"
"I-I-I was r-running and I fell and h-hurt my knee." She spoke in between tears.
"What's your name honey?"
"C-candace." She blubbered.
"Ok Hun well I'm Cameron but you can call me cam. Let's go get you cleaned up alright?"

It was then that I heard a loud masculine voice shouting Candace.
" Candace, oh my god! There you are!"
It was then that I met a pair of dazzling green eyes, and probably the most beautiful guy I've ever seen. And that guy just had to be the BadBoy Nathaniel Dixon. He was the kinda guy who usually kept to himself so I don't really know much about him besides the fact that he's devilishly handsome and is the best illegal street racer in Pennsylvania.

"Hey Nate! Guess what I Made a new friend. Her name is Cameron. She's really nice. She tried to help me, and I think you guys would be REALLY great friends." She said, magically feeling better at the sight of her big brother.

"Alright Candace, let's get you home and cleaned up, and then we can get ice cream, yeah?" Nathaniel said.
"Ok, ok calm down well go get some in a second alright?" He replied.
"Ok." She chirped cheerfully, skipping to what I'm guessing was there car.

I don't know how long we awkwardly stood there, but it seemed like forever until he finally broke the silence.
"Thanks for helping my little sister." He replied looking at me straight in the eye. I gulped nervously not because I was afraid of him, but because, 1. It was pretty awkward
& 2. Because I mean tell me you wouldn't do that when a hot guy is literally a few inches away from your face.
"Oh it was really no problem." I said but my voice kinda cracked a little at the end. Damn it. I see one cute guy and I start talking like a dolphin on crack.

He was about to turn around and leave but instead he said, "I'm having a race tonight. You should come." And then left. He just left. I mean ok then .

After going over what he said, I started thinking about the races. I guess the main reason I never went to any of the races was because every time I see a car crash on the news the memories come barreling back in again. So, to go to a race and risk seeing a car crash right in front of my face, I think I'll pass. I just really want to forget everything.

I mean, it's kinda hard to forget your parents death, but I just don't wanna be in a depressed state of mind anymore.

Maybe... I should at least try and go to the race tonight, plus I bet Laney would be happy.
So, right when I got home I called her..

"Hey Laney. You still up for that race tonight?"


So.... First chapter is done.

What'd you munchkins think of it? I mean it's not like Zac Efron perfect (NOTHING IS), but it's still something.

Just a reminder, if you guys want the chapters longer or shorter , or if you hate them or love them, or if you want me to die because of how much it confuses you, don't hesitate to tell me.

I'm pretty much always on wattpad.
I know it's sad, you don't have to remind me.

*grabs tissues and chocolate, and plays a sad song.*

Ok, pretty much it.

Oh and you guys are going to be called munchkins because I love that name.

Alright happy reading!

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