Chapter 2- Bad Memories

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This is Nathaniel Dixon, the main guy in this story. Hope you like this chapter💕
Shrugging on a black leather jacket over my red tank top and some dark blue skinny jeans, I grabbed my combat boots and waited by the door for Laney. She was supposed to pick me up so we could go to the race tonight.

After waiting about 5 minutes I heard a loud honk outside my house. Running outside the door I jumped into Laney's car and we drove off.

"You know you really don't have to come to the race, I don't mind not going. In fact I'd be ok because I was just gonna watch a season of Friends on Netfix and eat a bunch of junk food like chips and-" I cut her off from her rant. She really does that a lot.

"Laney! It's fine. I think it's time that i finally go to one. I mean it can't be that bad, right?"

"Oh my god! I'm so happy for you!" She yelled, letting go of the wheel to hug me.

"LANEY! Hands on the wheel!" I yelled, as she swerved into the next lane and was flipped off by a small Asian grandma in a red Kia. Ok, wow. I always thought the Asian grandmas were nice.

Guess not all of them are.

Smiling sheepishly at me she returned both her hands on the wheel and started driving towards the race tracks.

When we first arrived, the first thing I saw was flashy cars lined up all along one side of the track. As we were about to go into the bleachers, I saw a sleek black car pull into the track. And, you guessed it, Nathaniel Dixon stepped out of his car trying to pry off the desperate, slutty girls looking for his attention. I mean, I don't really blame them 'cause he's like, really hot, but that's pretty extreme.

I didn't really notice I stopped walking to stare at him until I felt Laney tugging at my arm.

"C'mon Cam were not gonna get good seats if we stand here all night." she said eyeing a certain tall, dark skinned guy, with a red car that had stripes running along the side.

"You got a thing for Darren Grey?" I said nudging her with my elbow. She started blushing and swatted my arm away.

"No, I-I just really like his car." Yeah, she was never really much of a liar

Smirking I turned away, until I felt someone's eyes practically burning a hole into the side of my head. Turning I met the the eyes of *drumroll please* Nathaniel.

When he saw I was looking back his lips slowly formed into a smirk that could literally make any girl swoon. Winking he turned away and got in his car ready to start.

Ok, don't know what that was all about.

Making my way to our seats I spotted Laney with nachos, candy, soda, and a pickle. I will never understand that girl. She eats like a 400 pound man, but she's still perfectly skinny. Now, if I ate like half a donut I'd blow up faster than a balloon. It's not fair if you ask me.

Looking towards the track I saw all the cars revving their engines, and then a slutty, dyed-blonde bimbo comes out onto the track in what looks like less than a shirt and some really tight underwear.

As she waved her black and white checkered flag, the cars were speeding off down the track.

I felt a wave of nervousness go through me at the sight. "It's ok Cameron, you can get through this race, it's not that long." I chanted repeatedly in my head.

Darren Grey was in first, with Nathaniel close behind him. Just as I thought Darren was going to finish the first lap first, Carter Reece and Nathaniel sped forward at an incredible speed.

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