Chapter 3- Contemplating

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This is Laney Rhodes, Cameron's best friend. Happy reading!

On my walk back home I couldn't even process proper thoughts because I was so freaking lost.

Nathaniel- I'm sorry, NATHAN, has never once approached me. He hasn't even spoken to me before the park, and now he's chasing after me just to tell me that this Rick guy was ok? Something's definitely not right.

But, it was kinda wrong of me to automatically judge him like that. I mean I've never actually SEEN him with a girl, unless they're trying to talk to him. It just sorta seemed like he was a man-whore.

I don't even know what to think. Does he actually care? Is he just trying to get a favor out of me? Would it be something illegal? Why would he drive all the way to the picnic area just to tell me, the girl he's never once payed attention to, that Rick was ok? And the biggest one of them all, why the hell does he think he knows me if he hasn't even attempted to start a conversation with me?

I need to stop thinking so much, it's giving me a migraine.

When I look down at my phone I see that I have 32 missed calls and 29 texts. And yes, they were all from Laney. Good thing I turned off my phone.

I dialed her number and waited for her to answer. Not even on the second ring she picked up.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?! DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU? IM STILL LOOKING! YOU COULD'VE DIED AND I WOULDN'T HAVE KNOWN BECAUSE YOU BEVER TOLD ME WHERE YOU WHERE! IVE BEEN WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU AND YOU DIDNT EVEN CALL! OR TEXT! I CANT EVEN BELI- she literally screamed the entire time. She didn't just raise her voice, she full on screamed down my ear. I think I'm going to be deaf in my right ear.

"LANEY! I'm fine I just couldn't deal with it all. It brought back so many memories when that racer-guy flipped over and I just kinda flipped out. So I ran. I don't really know why, but I did and I ended up at this old picnic area about 20 minutes away." I explained.

"Oh my goodness Cameron I'm so sorry! I didn't even think about that all I saw was you running away so I just assumed-"

"You don't have to apologize, Laney. I'm alright now. I didn't do anything when I got to the picnic area, I just kinda cried until I really couldn't cry anymore. Well, until Nathan came and-" It was actually her who cut me off this time.

"Wait. Nathan, as in Nathaniel Dixon, or Nathan as in that weird kid who smells like pickles all the time and sits in the back of my English class?" She questioned.

"Uh, um, Nathaniel Dixon. But I literally have no idea why he was there. I was just sitting there and he-" why is she the one always cutting me off now?

"WHY WAS THE EXTREMELY SEXY/BADASS NATHANIEL DIXON AT THE PICNIC AREA WITH YOU?!"she yelled. She really needs to stop doing that over the phone or I'm going to be deaf in one ear.

"Laney, you need to stop screaming in my ear, like, right now." I told her kind of loudly because I think I temporarily lost my hearing in one ear.

"Ok, ok I'm sorry. But what the heck was "'Nathan' as you call him, doing there? And when did you start calling him Nathan?"

"Look Laney, I'll explain everything once I get home but right now I'm really exhausted and I just wanna go home and get into my pj's. I promise I'll call you when I'm there. I'm like 5 or 6 minutes away from my house right now, ok?" I said, feeling tired of this conversation right now.

"Ok... but you better remember to call me Cameron or I will knock down your door in the morning and force you to tell me everything." She said, trying to sound threatening.  But in all honesty, she sounded like a furious chipmunk.

I chuckled and shook my head at her. "Ok Laney I will, I promise."

"Alright, bye Cammie."

"Bye Laney" I said, then hung up the phone.

Today has been the most eventful day I've had in a long time.
Nothing really happens in a town that has about 250 people, so this a very rare occasion.

When I got to my house I unlocked the door and slowly trudged up the stairs.

I felt pretty dirty, so I decided to take a quick shower to get the outside smell off of me.

Stepping into my master bathroom, I stripped off my clothes and turned on the shower.

While waiting for it to warm up, I turned around and looked in the mirror.
I wasn't exactly stick thin, but I was fairly skinny. I had long hair that reached just above my butt, and dull grey eyes.

I never really thought I was ugly, just not what you would call beautiful.

Putting my hand in the water to test if it was warm enough, I stepped in. As the hot water cascaded down my body, today's events came crashing back and my eyes teared up again.

Except this time, I cried 'till I actually felt my body shake with each sob.

It's been 5 years. 5 years since I lost the two people I loved most in this world.

It's scary how a person you love so much, can just disappear within a matter of minutes.

This was the exact reason I tried so hard to not think about that day, because every time I do, I lose control of my emotions and I get all depressed again.

Before I lost my parents, I used to have a bunch of friends.

But when the accident happened, I just went into this depressed state of mind that took roughly around 4 weeks to get out of. All of my so called "friends" sort of drifted away because I shut them all out. They knew what happened and didn't really even try to comfort me. Except Laney.

I even shut her out, but that didn't stop her from coming to my house every other day  and holding me while I cried, or giving me space when I needed it.

That why Laney and I are so close. She's all I have. Even my grandparents left me. My aunt and uncle were the only family I had left, so they kind of had to take me in. And, like I said, they're never even home.

I turned off the shower and stepped onto my bathroom mat. I looked at the clock in my bathroom and saw that I had been in there for over an hour.

So much for a quick shower.

After drying off, I slipped into my Donald Duck pj pants and a blue t-shirt. By now, I was all cried out so I just turned on The Incredibles, and fell into a dreamless sleep.

Completely forgetting to call Laney.


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! So sad. And pointless. This chapter was basically pointless, and I'm sorry 'bout that but I needed to write.

What'd you guys think?

Any questions?

This is random, but I just wanted to say that I always dream of myself falling down a cliff and landing in a pool of marshmallows.

I think it's a sign.

That I need to workout.

Ok, well anyways.... Happy reading munchkins!

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