Chapter 28

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Arianna's P.O.V

"Arianna you have to wake up." He said, poking my side.

"Nooo it's to early." I groaned, whacking him with a pillow. "You're gonna be late for your first day of school." My annoying father said. "I don't care." I told him.

"If you don't get up within the next three seconds you're grounded for two months with no phone or TV." He warned. "Alright alright I'm up." I groaned, sliding down the hot pink slide that's connected to my bed.

"El picked your clothes and Niall packed your lunch." Louis said. I mumbled an 'ok' and got dressed in my old One Direction shirt..ok I guess this is what mom picked out for me.

I guess it wasn't old because it didn't have him on it. I'm one of the lucky fans 'cause I get all the new merch and stuff.

I put on some purple jeans and headed downstairs. "NIALL!" I screamed as I saw him in the kitchen. "ARIANNA!" He shouted back. "Daaaaad." I whine. "Whaaaat?" He mocks me.

"I'm scared that nobody will like me." I said. "What if people think I'm lame 'cause you're my dad y'know?"

"Arianna, you're more famous than most people will ever dream of." Niall said from behind me. "I guess you're right." I sighed. He smiled at me. "C'mon you need to get to the bus." Eleanor said.

I sighed and walked out the door with Louis, Eleanor, and Niall. (Harry and Liam bought their own house, while we stayed here in Doncaster) I put on my bookbag, then I saw this big yellow bus come down the street. "That's your bus!" Louis said. I said goodbye to them and walked to where the bus was.

As I was walking down the aisle of the bus, I saw a girl with blonde hair and glasses in a seat. "Hey, can I sit with you?" I asked her. She looked up to me and smiled. "Sure!" She said. "I'm Bella." "Arianna." I told her with a smile.

"I see you like One Direction." She giggled pointing to my shirt. I felt my cheeks get hot as I just stared at her. She laughed and said, "It's ok. I kinda like them too."

I just laughed and scratched the back of my head. "They kind seem rude though." She said. I kind of felt hurt in a way. I mean, they are like brothers to me.

"Trust me they're really nice people." I said smiling a little bit. "How do you know though? You don't know them personally." She said. "If I told you that I actually know them personally, would you believe me?" I asked her.

"Honestly, no." She said, laughing a little. "Yeah it sounds crazy, but I was actually adopted by them." I said with a small smile on my face.

She looked at me, shock written all over her features. "You're lying." She said shaking her head. I giggled, knowing she would react like that. "You can come to my house after school so you can meet them." I said.

"I mean, I don't really like them that much, but it would be really awesome meeting them." She said, smiling a little.

Just then, we pulled into a large brick building. "I'm guessing this is the school?" I asked. "Yup. I'll introduce you to some of my friends." She said with a smile on her face. We stood up and walked into the school. I looked around the place. It was a nice school. Better than what I expected anyways.

"So first we go to the lunch room to see what home room teacher we have, then we get our schedule." Bella told me.

We went to the lunch room where the home room teachers were posted. I found my name on one of the lists and looked at my room number. Room 306. "Who do you have?" Bella asked me. "Uhh," I said, looking back at the list. "I have Mr. Johnson." She looked at me with an excited expression on her face. "He's my home room teacher too!"

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